How much brass can you put in the midway tumbler

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Jun 11, 2004
I have the midway tumbler, can't remember the model number but I think it is the same as the FA they sell now.

For those of you who have this machine how much .45 brass or equivalent can be run in one batch and still have it be effective.
It should say in the manual. It doesn't, but it should. The manual says to "add brass to your media until you see the tumbling action of the brass become sluggish." 2/3's full of media. Precise isn't it? The manual is on Frankford's site as a .pdf.
However, Midway says the FA tumbler will hold 600 9mm cases and/or 350 .223 cases. Doesn't give numbers for .45's. I'd guess 4 to 500 though. The operative word being 'guess'.
The manuals rarely attempt such a prediction. Since it ain't rocket science, it ain't a calibrated thing and "max" capacity can vary substantually by cartridge, media and how long you are willing to wait.

Generally speaking, you can expect good results with the bowl about half full of brass and 2/3s full of media.
My Midway 1292 does pretty well with three margarine tubs full of walnut and one margarine tub full of brass, then start the machine, wait for it to equalize, then add more walnut until I can just see the wingnut in the middle of the bowl.

I use the 3# margarine tubs for sorting, storing, measuring, etc. in my reloading. It's about 400 .45acp cases or so.
I use the Frankford Arsenal Quick-N-EZ Case Tumbler 110 Volt model,according to there web site,you can run 600 9mm or 350 .223 cases at a time. I usually run about 200 54r case at a time through mine sometimes with some pistol brass mixed in.
Just make sure it tumbles the brass well. If it gets sluggish, it takes longer, that's all there is to it.
Since I only shoot up 3 - 4 of the 50-round plastic ammo boxes at a time, that's about as many cases as I usually tumble - 150 to 250 (plus those cases I pick up off the range floor from other shooters). And it kind of depends on the case, I can tumble a lot more .380 cases than .44 mag cases.

For ex, yesterday I tumbled 150 .44 cases in my Lyman twin tumbler (used the bigger container) - no problem.

I find the best cleaning action is to fill it so that the brass does cycle slower. That keeps each case in the center longer and that's what scrubs the inside of the case. Brass that is in and swirling kinda fast gets clean on the outside but still sooty inside. When it runs slow and you leave it on overnight the brass is shiny inside and out. I've had brass that you could not tell it had been fired and you had to hold it to the light to pick out the nickle plated cases.
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