How much is too much?

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Dec 24, 2002
I picked up a nice Mdl 19 recently.. It has a bit of end shake.. I took it to a local gunsmith/dealer and asked what he thought..

He visually examined it and said he has similar guns with more than it has and doesn't worry about it..For some reason I am not completely satisfied with that result.

I don't have any gauges to measure it myself. When it is unloaded, I can move it a very small amount, when it is loaded, it is virtually but not quite immovable.

The case rims don't rub on the frame, but almost.

Am I being too concerned about this, or should I get a second opinion?
Check out the thread at the top of the page about how to check out a used revolver. Remember the gun is not in full lock-up until you pull the trigger. Therefore follow these steps to look for lock-up being tight:

2. Check again to make sure you did step 1 completely and correctly.
3. with UNLOADED gun cock the hammer and check to see if the cylinder is moving much.
4. release the hammer (onto and empty chamber) and hold the trigger back. This will have the firing pin still visable at the back of the cylinder. Keep holding the trigger back. The gun is now in full lock-up mode. NOW check the cylinder for end shake and side-to-side movement.

You can also get a range rod to check for cylinder alignment. There is a guy named Iowegean on the Rugerforum that makes these for about 16-17 dollars. These really help determine lock-up and cylinder alignment.

I could go on and on but the thread is at the top of this forum.

Following those instructions, and comparing it to 4 other Smiths, I guess I am just being a bit anal about it..

There is a tiny bit of movement in each of them, but I feel better now!!!:p
That is very good advice you got from 2ndadm.

I own a number of S&W revolvers and several of them have various degrees of end shake. I still shoot them all.

Moderate end shake doesn't worry me too much. IMO it's the price you pay for shooting older Smiths.
I guess I just got concerned because I just bought the 19 used, and don't know it's history.

It is no worse than my Mdl 58 that I carried with max loads for 13 years.

I just got to thinking too much!!

I gotta watch that!!:eek:
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