How much time do you spend on the highroad?

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Not as much as I could. I made the mistake of bookmarking the forums that I ran across and interested me. Then I went through and got registered on most of them. Then I got brave enough to post a few times. Then the e-mail notifications poured in. Then I had to go back to see if someone replied to me or not. I must get 50+ e-mails a day just from that. New threads keep popping up needing attention.

But I can quit anytime I want.

No, really.
The two or three times that my wife did complain about me, "...always being on THR...", I simply smiled and said, "Yes, and you should thank God that I have a family-oriented, values-oriented place where I can chat and learn. Look at know...Xxxx's ex-husband! And, where did she find him? Oh I remember (I can't put that internet site here). Maybe he should have been at The High Road".

But, it is true! The High Road is an investment of my time. While I'm at it...thanks all. I appreciate what we have here. Moderators, especially to you all collectively...God bless you! You are sincerely appreciated!

Proud member of TA

Hmmm. I guess it's time I checked back into this thread.

We should call it THRaholics Anonymous.
(Hey, you can pronounce that:
"Thraholics Anonymous" or TA for short ... :D )

Yeah, my current average hours/day is approximately three, I'm guessing.

But hey, I'm working on a degree program here at THR U (also called "thru").
I'm now in my second year (that makes me a sophomore;
which may be why so many mods make fun of some of my more sophomoric posts ... :p )

And I'm proud to say that, even though my posts don't always reflect it, I've learned so much on this forum in the last 1.5 years, and not just about guns and their safe and responsible use - like my current research on a 3" revolver - but also 2A issues, mental preparedness for SD, non-firearm weapons (now researching tomahawks), the list goes on and on ...

And, of course, I agree with Doc about our fine mods:

You are sincerely appreciated!

I've written the same several times in the last year and a half.

I don't always agree with our mods moderation (well, OK: 99.9% :rolleyes: ),
but I so appreciate what they do here.

It varies a bit but probably anywhere from 1 hr to 7 hrs a week. Not really a lot.
Good Lord...are you guys still here?!?!?! How long have you been at that High Road?!?!?!?! :evil:
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