How old is old enough?

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I understand the frustration Scout...

My father, a Navy Chief, taught us weapons safety and use as he was taught by the Navy at an early age. When I was home alone, I always knew where all the guns were. I understood the points of entry for all my houses and where to go in case of entry.

My mother was concerned in our early days but now I think she is proud of both of us for the discipline and thought we show while practicing... I've even held instruction for my best friend (pretty much, an adopted brother of the family) and my girlfriend.

All I can say is continue to show all the earmarks of a responsible person and one day, things might come around..
Well, you might want it from a kids perspective, so here we go. Whenever my mother has to go to work early, she leaves her Glock 32 where I can access it if I need to, and I know where the shotgun and AR-15 iare if I really need them. I am trained with ball. I do not touch them without a reason. I leave them the heck alone if I do not need them. It is no problem and my parents trust me.
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