How to get rid of a skunk?

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I blew one away with a 12 ga bird shot. No big deal. I did leave him there in the yard for a day prior to placing him into a garbage bag and getting rid of him.

And just the other evening I dispatched a full grown possum with a head shot from a super colibri. Those have much more power than the low power colibri's. The kill was clean. I recommend everyone keep a box of those handy as they are very quite in a rifle and do the job nicely on small game.
A guy I work with accidentally caught a skunk in one of his cage traps, this is what he did:

Made a tent out of wire, sheets of plastic and duct tape big enough to fit over the cage. He attached 15 ft of flexible dryer vent to the tent. He moved very slowly and cautiously and set the tent over the cage. He then backed up his truck until the exhaust was within reach of the dryer vent and attached the vent line to the exhaust. Idled his truck until the skunk took a permanant nap.

Using this idea and maybe draping something over a trap before it is set might be a good, clean way to dispatch the varmint.
soak some rags in ammonia and place them near the entrance where the skunk sneaks in and throw some where it is actually making its home. it also works with other animals.

or get a live animal trap, catch it, and let it loose somewhere else.
Imas, I live in Moscow, about 90 miles south of Coeur d'Alene. The home of the University of Idaho Vandals :D
We had success with a racoon using Capsiesum (spelling) spray (the hot stuff). Our local nursery sold it along with fox urine & bobcat urine spray. I heard the racoon hit the hot stuff while climbing up to the eave of our roof at night - then a "thump" of him hitting the ground. Haven't seen him since.

Cost me over $1000 in roof repairs (water-damaged wood underlay + soffit damage from the racoon), but I would never have found the water-damage until it dripped inside - if the racoon hadn't gotten after the bugs in the rotted wood.

As an aside, here in Florida only licensed trappers are allowed to remove an animal pest to another location. Seems the thinking is that most removals cause more problems at the other site than the original. And killing is allowed with only a .22 or a .410.... no reason given. But looking up the law gave me an excuse to add to my collection by buying a .410!!! :) Got a Stoeger O/U Condor. :D
Get rid of a skunk? Just pick him/her up by the scruff of the neck like picking up a cat and hold it's tail down with the other hand. Don't let the little sucker bite you. Lot of them carry rabies. If this doesn't work don't blame me, you probably didn't follow directions properly. :D
They can't spray if you pick 'em up by the tail. There's a guy lives right up the road from me carried one into the schoolhouse like that.
The Skunk might have a litter it's protecting.
I shot one that I couldn't chase away, then found out she had four little ones in the barn.
Lucky they were big enough to eat cat food and drink milk. Bottle feeding them would have been interesting.

They were a lot of fun. You never knew where they were in the barn.

When they were big enough they left home.

Damned ungrateful kids, they never even call. :(

funny this subject comes up, apparently I have a new skunk hanging out on my property cause my neighbors/tenants thought it would be cool to put the trash out in bags a week before the garbage man comes... nearly got sprayed 2 nights ago, thing was right at my feet, then I take some trash out the other night... holy crap! he was digging in again... if I had the funds available I think I would be looking into a suppressed 10/22 right now since its not a far distance from my surrounding neighbors.

how much does a "have a heart" trap cost anyways? I would just as soon put out a great white jaw sized trap and crush him.
Is a .177 or .22 air rifle powerful enough to kill a skunk?

Yes, but shot placement would have to be absolutely perfect.
I tried shooting a porcupine with a air rifle and it hardly even fazed him, but made him angry. I wouldn't reccommend it for skunks.
When I lived in Illinois, we had a skunk problem. Animal control wouldn't do anything unles we knew exactly were it was, but they did LOAN us a live trap.
When we caught it they took the trap and skunk all at once.

To get rid of the smell that blew in to the houses we took an old pot, put coffee grounds in it and hit the grounds with a propane torch. The grounds got to smoldering and smoking and I just walked through the house. NO skunk smell and the burned coffee smell dissapated real quick.
M2 carbine...

OMG so cute! :)

We get skunks under our hay shed every so often, but they don't tend to stay very long. It seems coyotes consider skunks a fine delicacy.
Those little Skunks played around and got into everything just like little kittens.
They gave just a little spray twice when they were startled and the smell went away quickly.
As long as we didn't scare them they would just walk away.
It was funny to open the garage door and a little Skunk would be sitting there.

This stuff works wonders on Skunk smell.
I have heard that this works, I haven't had occasion to try it, but an old trapper told me about it and says It works.

Mix in a spray bottle:

2 quarts hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda
1 shot liquid soap (any kind)


You could get one of the cheep wading pools or something similar, and place the trap in it. After you catch it, turn on the waterhose (that you already have placed in the pool) to a slow trickle, and drowned it.

I have had limited luck shooting skunks, double lung shot, but have never had one not spray when I use a head shot. I never tried a spine shot…. I'll try that next time.

The last polecat (skunk) I killed was two days before a family reunion was scheduled for the same spot. It was running, in hindsight I should have let it go the shot was off and I hit it in the shoulder, with a .22. The shoulder shot anchored it pretty good but it began spraying so I shot it again and an again. About this time I'm asking myself why I did that and I was trying to figure out a way to kill the smell, I ended up piling a huge brush pile on top of the skunk and effected area. The pile burned up, talk about an odd odor, and the next day there was a faint skunk smell and the charred remains of the skunk, so I repeated the cleansing by fire deal then hauled off the ashes, and it worked fairly well. This was in the barnyard where everyone parked and noone mentioned smelling a skunk.
If you're feeling kind: find the little guy's hole and throw in some chocolate laxatives.

If you're me and there's no closed season, drill the little guy in the head with an Aguila Supermax .22 because he looked at your dog wrong.
Just get you a radio. Put it on a radio station that plays around the clock and turn it up to a reasonable level and the skunks will stay out. That's what I've done for the last several years and haven't had any of them make a home in my barn.
Skunks typically will not spray if they are in a trap, we use to have people bring them in all the time to be descented at the vet clinic at and they never sprayed while in a cage or a box.

Our main method of catching wild ones was to put a normal wire live trap across a water trough, when we caught a skunk we would simply kick it in the water and let it drown.

One gentleman in town constructed a wooden live trap with an old lawn mower engine attached. After catching one he would simply start up the motor and let them pass that way. He had quite a bird fancy and I'm not quite sure if he was really using it for skunks or cats though.
Respect the poor thing

And just shoot it. The thought of drowning or suffocating on engine exhaust sound much less humane than a well placed 22LR round.
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