Howard Stern, Pro-gun???

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Dec 28, 2002
Okay, I'll admit it. I love the Howard Stern show. I have listened to them for over ten years now.

While listening this morning, Howard was on a rant about how his mother wouldn't let him have a toy gun as a child because she didn't "want him to grow up being violent."

He goes on to say that he has a lot of guns and he loves them.


That's the last thing I would have expected from him even though he is very conservative in some things.

one of the best ad libbers of our day...

if you pay close attention you can tell he's doing groucho marx

but what groucho used to say with his eyebrows and cigar in those days howard just comes out and says today

i'm glad to hear he's a gun owner, he's a good man to have on our side because he owns the airwaves

as james brown once said on his show

"howard's not bad, he's just rude."

Yeah, Howard's pro-gun and generally pro-2-A. I get teh impression that he packs pretty regularly, and he's enough of a 'celebrity' that he had no trouble getting a CWP in NYC.

It's nice to be elite:fire:
Howard has confessed before to having strong conservative philosophies. IIRC he carries a Glock in .40SW. I do not know if he is proficient with it, but I suspect that he knows how to make it be loud.

It's hard to tell when it's shtick and when it's not, but he does get lit up on 2ndA and personal rights/freedom issues when he gets going. Love him or hate him, he has a listener base that's hard to overcome.


"If we could just get everyone to close their eyes and visualize world
peace for an hour, imagine how serene and quiet it would be until
the looting started..."
I am not a Howard Stern fan, because he is a bit too rude for my tastes. However; that being said, since HS is a pro-RKBA kind of guy...

GO HOWARD! ! ! ! !
Quite frankly I don't think Howard Stern is pro anything other than himself.

I don't like the man, but I do listen occasionally.

I caught that about the guns, and was fairly surprised.

I liked the interview with Melissa Gilbert a LOT more. :)

But her dating Rob Lowe? :barf:
Howard has been pro 1st and 2nd for a long time, at least as long as I've been listening(since '92).

Some of his other political philosophies I don't agree with, but he seems pretty "normal" in regards to his personal philosophies, and when you've listened to him for as long as I have you can tell when its schtick or real.
Quite frankly I don't think Howard Stern is pro anything other than himself.

I think that about sums it up. I hear him bash Right and Left wing people.
I beleive since he is on the air fighting free speach for his show, he will also fight for all of the other amendments.
I'm not sure about his views on RKBA, but I still love his show. He isn't afraid to tell it like it is, whether or not it offends anyone. I got to say that he has a lot of testicular fortitude. His radio show isn't aired around my neck of the woods anymore, but when it was, I was a faithful listenter. He kept me laughing all the time. Go Howard.
Yeah, Howard has expressed pro-gun views on his show many times in the past. I've heard him rant on the "toy gun" thing before and the feminization of males, in general, as it relates in this country. Last I heard him mention anything specific, he was carrying a Seecamp. The glock is news to me...

Only thing I wish he'd address is the hypocrasy of him being able to get a permit to carry in NYC while your average Joe can't. However, its hard to separate what he really thinks from what he's just saying in order to get a reaction.

Only thing I wish he'd address is the hypocrasy of him being able to get a permit to carry in NYC while your average Joe can't.
Why doesn't someone that can write better than me ask him why? If you can make it entertaining/catchy enough, he'll read it. Maybe on air.

[email protected]

the guy probably gets so many death threats,,,

that he probably is pro gun out of practicallity

plus i'll bet he figures if he advertises it enough maybe the nut cases might think twice about carrying these threats out.

i got nothing against him, when i get tired of him i exercise my right to change the station

problem there is, there aint nothin' better on :barf:

howard is not for everybody, and thats ok...

Unfortunately I missed that comment today, I had to leave for work right after the Mellissa Gilbert interview.

I've been listen to the show for as along as it was aired accross the border in Toronto and now here in Buffalo for the past 2-3 years now, and I don't beleive I've ever heard him say that he's pro or con on gun control.
Frankly, it doesn't surprise me that he wouldown guns,and/or that he carries. Say what you will about his antics and his show, but he is unabashedly straight forward, and not afraid to attack anyone who he feels deserves to be attacked, left, right or center.

on a sidenote,if you were as skinny and lanky as Howard is, you'd be an imbecile not to carry, especially with what he went through growing up in Roosevelt and even today, walking through the Puerto Rican Day parade in NYC by himself...brave man :evil:
Stern has been talking about his approval of firearms for years. If he wasn't so outspoken about so many other things, he is a shock jock after all, it would probably get a lot more attention.
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