Hunters, you aren't untouchable!

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Oleg Volk

Moderator Emeritus
Dec 19, 2002
Nashville, TN
Deer photos courtesy of


Oleg - As much as I agree with the sentiment, many of the R(KBA)INOs* I know would argue that "You don't need a pistol/assault rifle/sniper rifle for hunting".

This same message with a 30-30 pic and reference to the fact that Splash Kennedy tried to ban 30-30 rifles in 2004 because they shoot "armour piercing cop killing bullets" would be a good companion to this poster.

*Right (to Keep and Bear Arms) In Name Only

I was with you until I started to see underlining and italics, neither of which is appropriate here. Underlining is what we did with typewriters in the all but forgotten days before computers when we wanted typesetters to switch to italics.

Personally, I got so tired of contending with typesetters, I began to borrow their keyboards and code cheat sheets so I could set my own. It turned out to be considerably harder than I'd anticipated, but by and bye, I got the hang of it. You haven't lived until you've spent an evening counting picas.
I agree 100%. But have you ever talked to a Black powder/Cowboy/Bench rester/Duckhunter/trapshooter. :banghead: :barf: :banghead: :barf: :banghead: :barf:

I would be rich by now as they say if I had a nickle for every to I heard the "..what do you need one of "those" guns for..." :barf:
You know, I'm getting tired of hearing the crap about "Armor Piercing" and "Cop killer" bullets....

I like it just fine as is. :cool:

If "Saturday Night Specials" are small, is this a "Monday Morning Working Gun" to put food on the table?


I agree 100%. But have you ever talked to a Black powder/Cowboy/Bench rester/Duckhunter/trapshooter.

I would be rich by now as they say if I had a nickle for every to I heard the "..what do you need one of "those" guns for..."

Well, I'm a deer hunter. I shoot black powder and I'm liable to shoot anything off the bench. M1 Garand too. I'm also a handgunner. I've shot cowboy action too. Basically, if it goes BOOM, I like it. That said, I've run into that mindset too.

Me: "I'm trying to find cast lead HP's for my .45-70 handloads."
Opinionated guy at the range: "what do you need a HP for?"

Me: ***looking at 1911A1 in .38Super***
Same opinionated guy: "put that away and get a revolver."

One guy I know- an RO- likes full auto. He clowns around with it at the bowling pin shoots. I think he just likes the attention. This other RO, last time we had a steel plate pistol match, said "there's (so-and-so); probably brought his damn machine gun." The difference was he was laughing about it.

Back to the original point- None of us are untouchable.
I agree 100%. But have you ever talked to a Black powder/Cowboy/Bench rester/Duckhunter/trapshooter.

I would be rich by now as they say if I had a nickle for every to I heard the "..what do you need one of "those" guns for..."

Well...I shoot 3p Smallbore, Prone Smallbore, and International Air Rifle...and I definantly don't fall into that stereo type that you gave there. Don't try to divide us because of the different disciplines that we compete in, get us to unite in defending our freedom like Oleg has been working so hard to do.

Do I own any pistols or rifles other than what I compete with? Not yet...but I do plan on getting a Glock 36 for carry, then a 1911 and an M1A somewhere on down the line (when I get enough money).
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