Hunting, Fishing, or Self-Defense?

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i can't think of a more entertaining use of a shotgun... but a bow is probably the better way to go for legal reasons and such.
From what I've heard, carp are full of very small bones. Difficult to get a clean piece of meat. I have read an article or two that says the taste is okay.

Bow-fishing for large carp has long been popular. The pet food folks buy a lot of them, if you're near a pet food manufacturer...

According to what I read on-line after viewing the video & trying to determine what the fish are & where they are at, the Asian Carp (2 species, silver & hammerhead) were imported as a food fish . . . not as bony as our "native" carp & supposedly similar in taste & texture to tuna. There are reports of damage to boats & personal injury attributed to close encounters of the finny kind. This would definitely be a hoot with a bow. Evidently, they can reach 30# . . . that would hurt if one were to get hit by one in a 70 mile per hour bass boat/floating corvette . . .
Suckers are full of bones, not carp...In fact, carp bones are large and easy to remove. My family used to bowfish in Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron) in early June when they were in the shallows spawning. We'd fill enough burlap bags to nearly sink the 10-foot jonboat we'd tow out to transport 'em in, and spend the next couple of days smoking a few hundred pounds for the extended family, and cutting the rest in half and filling empty 1/2gal. milk jugs to freeze in blocks of ice for use as snapping turtle bait. Smoked carp, when properly done (the brine is the secret), tastes like smoked salmon, and the big rib bones and the backbones are easy to find and remove.
I've never had any interest in learning how to shoot a bow...until now!

That looks like one heck of a good time.
Try seining carp on a fish farm... yeah they are dangerous jumpers. So are large and small mouthed bass for that matter.
After watching that, does anyone else have the desire to go down to the grocer and get the biggest damn fish cut you can, and then run up and hit your good buddy with it?

Those are the invasive Chinese Carp? I heard about them, but I had no idea they were as invasive as those appear to be!
Did that one guy have a glow in the dark arrow .

Looked like he had a cylume/light stick (sp?) attached to the arrow to me. These evidently are the AIRBORNE "invasive Chinese Carp" . . .
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Bowhunting for carp is great fun. The best time is in the spirng when they are spanning. There may litterally be hundreds boiling the water up along the shore line. Never tried to eat one, but I'd give it a try if someone who knows what they are doing prepared it.
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