Hunting from a junk car

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Sometimes I wonder what has happened to hunting, and what percentage of "hunters" really know anything about hunting.
I used to think that hunting out of a duck blind would be almost too easy. I mean, they are in that specific spot for a reason! Fast forward 4 years and I will tell you that blinds aren't any help at all if you don't pay attention to wind and water level. When you duck hunt where I live, the wind is the difference maker.

If I ever sign on a deer lease or own my own land I may have to try the junk car thing. It actually makes sense, and would surely beat a ground blind.
I perceive nothing wrong with using our God given intelligence to make deer hunting easier as long its legal.

- African leopards are hunted from pit blinds over fresh bait (at night)
- Michigan hunters use a variety of fruits and grains (bait) for deer hunting
- the exploding industry of portable ground blinds is evidence of a growing trend

For me hunting is about finding, stalking and shooting the game. I see nothing about shooting over a field from a junk car. It is just shooting, and takes no skill.
Being legal does not make it sporting. If one just wants deer meat then that will work, but don't tell me about hunting or any skill except shooting being involved.

If intelligence is the answer, then we can wipe out the deer herds with our intelligence, but we will not have hunted.

in Texas, as long as you aint on a road, but on private property I aint ever heard of that being against the law, lots of hunting buggies (jeeps etc) have high seats built on em, some even have the steering wheel etc. on an upper deck. hunting from old farm equipment and hay bales works good too.
In the state of Colorado, you can't even lay your rifle over the hood of the pickup to take a shot!, private property or not!! I got busted several years back hunting P-dogs on private property, squatting and leaning "against" my left front tire when I shot, GW saw me, wrote out a ticket for $300.00, and said he could confiscate my vehicle, but since I didn't argue with him he didn't. If you come out of the field, set your rifle against the pickup, while getting a sandwich and a Coke, you'll get busted too! I understand this is pretty chicken dippin' sorry, but a fact.
Jerry I agree with you with hunting and stalking and you can do it in New Mexico etc. wide open land, if you are on land with several hunters around or places with deer blinds and city slicker inexperienced hunters, you are asking to get shot by one of these non hunting a####.

I can agree with that. I also realize that some country is so thick that the only way most can hunt it is from a raised blind. But I do notice in the TV programs such things as shooting over a planted field from a barn with windows and gun rests in them.

Then some 8 year old shoots a deer from that set up, and the adults brag what a great shot and hunter he is.
I grew up partly in East Texas hunting squirrels, and learned to stalk in the brush and trees with the leaves dry and noisy. That has stood me in good stead over the years.

One might argue over what is fair chase, but there is an element of that in hunting. If it does not exist then one is not hunting in my view.

Terrain and vegetation control the methods of hunting. There is no one size fits all, in this deal. I don't see any particular difference between sitting in a car, in an old car body, or in a store-bought box blind. Sittin' is sittin', even if it's just at the base of a tree or by a big rock on a hillside.

I prefer walking-hunting, to kick Bambi out of bed, judge him, and then bust him before he gets too far away or gets into cover. But that doesn't mean I won't sit down to rest my legs and maybe take a nap in the "hunter's doze" fashion, to pop my little eyebones open when Bambi wanders past.

Heck, if Bambi's not running, where's the sport in shooting? It's soul-satisfying to lay the crosshairs out maybe three or four feet in front of his nose and watch him crumple up from a busted neck. If you have a witness, it's even better! :)

People get way too negative if somebody does something different than they do. Bad as my wife about "different", being highly resistant to new ideas. :D
I agree. Just to add more sport, I won't shoot any deer closer than 350 yards and that has to be measured with a laser rangefinder. If they're any closer I just stalk em and slit their throats with my pocket knife.

(Not Really, just sarcasm to make a point.)
shooting at rrunning animals is the mark of the slob hunter, if it's more than 25 yds across your front, or more than about 75 yds mostly straight away from you. In other words, if you have to aim at hair, not air, it is a serious breech of ethics. No way in hell you can adequately gauge the lead and you will cripple a lot of animals, sooner or later, for no reason other than you are too inept/lazy do get a decent shot. You can't tell if he's running 30-35-or 40 mph, which is 45-50-60 fps. At say, 100 yds, the bullet takes at least .10 sec to get there, so the critter runs 6 feet after you shoot, with the bullet in the air. What does 6 ft look like out there, while watching a running deer? While focused on the moving animal, are you also watching your background for safety, no you are not, mr Cheney! The deer will be dodging around real and perceived (by him)obstacles, making even a perfect shot a mere wounding hit. He is also bouncing up and down several times per second, so you can easiily shoot off his lower jaw or break a leg and he can run many, many miles with that broken leg. Don't do it, and for sure, don't brag about having done it, especially on Net forums where anti-hunters and anti-guns can use such stupidity against us!
Fair chase is fine for sports hunting. Some folks are hunting for food for the winter. It is the folks who "hunt" neither for sport nor for need that bug me.

That said, as I have been told, "shooting from vehicle" was made illegal to prevent poaching or killing game from the roadways, often shooting onto private land without permission of the landowner. What's that got to do with using a non-movable vehicle or even a tractor as a blind on private land?
Years back some of the folks in my family would shoot a last day deer from an old manure spreader the neighbor had at the edge of his cornfield. We would only do that if the rest of the season was a bust so we wouldnt have empty freezers.
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