hunting super newb

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Aug 9, 2006
Hey guy i was looking to get out this deer or boar season for the first time ever,
well i live in FL and i am not really sure how to go about this. I Already know how to go about obtaining all the permits, and such, but how do i actually go hunting. Where do i go, i looked at the wild management map, and it looks like there is a hole lot of hunting land out there, but how do i go about hunting there? Do i just drive off the side of the road and walk into the woods? Or is there like some kind of park or designated staging area? Also as far as stands, are there stands out there in public land? and if so were they put there by the gov or are they private stands that hunters have left or build out there for themselves, and if so should i conseider them off limits, don't want to piss fellow hunters off specially my first time out there. Also If you guys know any areas where it is good to hunt let me know, i dont want u guys to tell me where u little hide away spot is i dont expect that, but if you know how to get to a decent management area like what road to take, and what exit to turn off at that would be apreciated o by the way i live in south FL. So lay it on me whatever advise and or knowledge you have to share would be apreciated, and Sorry for the huge post but as you can see i got a lot of questions, once again thanks guys.
You really need to find a mentor in your area to help you get started. There is a Hunting Mentors thread at the top of the Hunting forum.

Good luck. You just picked up a great addiction!!
Well as far as hunting itself it should be ok, i will go with my father, and while he has never hunted in this country he used to go hunting when he was younger back in the old country. I just need to know where to go, and i guess the indiginous unspoken rules of hunting if you will. I helped kill and prep animals when i was a kid and my father grew up in a farm, so we are not completly ignorant, well i kind of am, and he is rusty, very rusty, like a knife that was put away and not use for about 30 years. Well maibe not he has killed and preped/help prep animals, last time being about 13 years ago.
Pick up a copy of your state's hunting regulations booklet. These are available from any Wal-Mart in the sporting goods section, or any sporting goods store. You must read ALL the regulations for whatever kind of animal you want to hunt. There are specific seasons for each type of animal you want to hunt, certain restrictions on what kind of weapon you're able to use (shotgun vs. rifle vs. bow), restrictions on where you're allowed to hunt, etc. etc. Also, some states require that you attend a hunter's safety course first.

Hunting tactics:

There's a wealth of information to be had on "how to hunt" in magazines found at the store, or free at your public library. Some good ones are, "Field and Stream", "American Hunter", and "Outdoor Life". Other people will surely add their favorites to the list.

Be safe, know the regulations, and have fun. Hunting is one of the most addictive activities in the world. It's what I live for.
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