Hurricane soon. Thinking I have secured my firearms well.

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Dec 7, 2008
Mount Desert Island Maine
As I have prepared for the hurricane to arrive I have gone back over what I have done to secure and safe my firearms and ammo for what is to come. Sure, I have enough insurance, got the serial # and pictures in three locations, Locked them in safes that are as secure as I can get them, and put them in waterproof bags within the safes besides. Ammo in a locked area, sealed inside of ammo cans. All this is above the flood plane and not getting flooded out as far as I can tell. Now the wait begins and I will be sheltering here for the storm. I think that we are going to be a lot better off than a lot of locations already have fared but this brings up the topic of are we really prepared if the weather or some other natural disaster were to really hammer this location? Are you doing more than I have done for a general prep of this type of problem? I have no problem with overkill as to keeping my firearms secure and safe so what have I missed (within reason) if anything?:confused:
living in south florida i have a bit of experience with them dang hurricanes haha

have you put that level of preparation into your other aspects of preparedness
appropriate prescriptions
pet food
I'm in the midst of it right now in CT. I thought it would be bad. This is nothing. It's really calmed down a lot since it played havoc on North Carolina.

I doubt you'll have much trouble by the time it reaches Maine.

If I didn't know I was in the midst of [booming announcer voice] Tropical Storm Ireeeeeene[/announcer voice], I'd think it was just a windy rainy day.
Worst thing I saw here in CT was a tree down over the off-ramp of I84 earlier. Went out for a walk during what turned out to be the height of it, was just really a bad rainstorm. Wind wasn't even that bad. (This was around 9am.) Think by noon I was already seeing the sun. Now its just windy out. What'll be left by the time it gets to Maine will probably be laughable.
have you put that level of preparation into your other aspects of preparedness
appropriate prescriptions
pet food

MUCH more important then putting ammo in plastic bags
I pray God will allow things to calm down shortly for you folks! I hope all of your homes and families are all safe, no water damage and things will return to "normal" shortly. Be safe!!
I've been cooped up in the house, and was getting stir crazy, so I just went out for a 5.5 mile run.

Figured I might as well survey the damage. Few trees took out a few power lines. There were some limbs that had crashed down on a few cars, etc..etc... but overall, not bad. Kinda what I had figured it would be.

Definitely no need to fear roving gangs of looters here in CT.
Yeah I thought about the water, food and such, no problems there. I am a Volunteer Firefighter here in town and will have to leave my house to help others I am sure before this is over with. I was thinking if the house was damaged or flooded or broken into and the firearms were left behind I wanted them secured as much as possible on short notice.:scrutiny: I doubt that we will have any problems with looters etc. here either but if this was to be prolonged for a long time then people can develop strange behaviors out of desperation.:uhoh: I was trying to keep this firearm related but the thread is wavering some. After the whole thing is over do any of you have firearm related things that you learned that might help others here keep their firearms from harm in a future storm/disaster etc.??
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