I am confused

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Apr 5, 2004
Northern California
Okay, I've been looking at guns other than revos and I got to researching Glocks and I have found out that certain mags are banned.

Eh? ***?

What does mag capacity have to do with anything? I know the gun-banners and the politicians that service them know diddly about guns in general but what got their soiled undies in a bunch about mag cap?
dont ya know? having more than 10 rounds in a firearm makes you more likely to commit crimes. I turns firearms into assault weapons, which of course, can only be used in "assaults".

:banghead: :cuss: :fire:

Just pure idiocy...no explaination can suffice.
Do you live in California? We aren't allowed to buy standard or high capacity magazines here unless we are law enforcement. Otherwise, the ban is on the production of new standard and high capacity mags. You can still buy them, the manufacturer just can't make them (except for LEO and military). 'Course, that could change later this year ;) .

Why do gunhaters try to ban standard and high capacity mags? Because they hate guns and want to chip away at RKBA any chance they get. How can they get away with it? Whenever some insane person or criminal commits a crime with a gun using standard or high cap mags, the gunhaters use the publicity and its attendant shock and horror to push more anti-gun laws thru.

The way they trick people into thinking is that "A criminal with say, an AK and a thirty-round mag can do a lot of shooting before he has to reload. He can kill forty or fifty people with one mag by shooting from the hip. We shouldn't let that happen, therefore let's ban those criminal magazines. He'll be too scared to commit crimes if he only has ten-round mags. Voila! We just stopped countless untold crimes with our simple honest laws." Then they pat themselves on the back.

When their useless laws fail to reduce crime, they say "The laws didn't work because they weren't strict enough! We told them what features were evil (on say, rifles) and they had the audacity to remove the evil features and still sell the rifles! This is an outrage!" :scrutiny:
Yeah, unless you live in Cali, the banned mags will be stamp "For Law Enforcement Only". Mags made before 1994 are legal elsewhere and they won't be stamped as such.
Unless you live in a occupied state you will be able to by standard capacity mags as of Sept 14th.
Ok, here's the deal.

States have their own laws, and some of them have passed laws banning high capacity magazines (like california), though most have not.

There was a federal law passed in 1994 that is usually called the Assault Weapons Ban or AWB, that, among other things, banned all NEW high capacity magazines (all magazine that could hold more than 10 rounds) with an exemption for law enforcement. So unless you are a police officer, it is illegal for you to own a new, or post-ban high capacity magazine, though you may still have the ones that were made before the ban went into effect.

This ban also banned many weapons based on their appearance (rather than their function) and was basically just a big hassle to gun owners everywhere and did absolutely nothing to prevent, or lower crime. This may be due to the fact that the weapons targeted by the ban (the larger 'assault' weapons group) are (and were) used in less than 1 percent of all gun crimes, but is probably mostly because the ban only made certain cosmetic features illegal (like a bayonet lug/flash suppressor).

Fortunately, this ban had a built in sunset clause, meaning that if it were not renewed by congress, it would expire in 10 years. The 10 years is up this september, and everything (including all high cap magazines) should be completely legal again.

So the short and skinny is that you just have to be carefull during the next couple of months if you purchase a pistol.
Thank you everybody.

I went to my local range and looked over the Glocks they had and I will not be buying one.

That grip was just to uncomfortable for me.

So if I buy a pistol it will be a single stacker.
I handled one but the 1911 that it shared the case with fit a wooooole lot better. It was like Browning used my hand as a template for the thing.
All this is a symptom of allowing senators and congressmen to serve more than two terms in office. Other symptoms include: giving yourself a raise each year, having the finest medical and retirement in the world after one term in office and the fact politicians hate it when blue collar workers get good paying jobs when the same work can be sent to china or mexico.

The balance or power in our nation is no more due to the career politicnas and they judicial activist judges they love. Mag limits are a veiled measure to further restrict freedom and control the proletariat and that means YOU.

Meanwhile criminals, terrorists and enemy combatants can get high caps at will but it's allot easier to bully the law abiding that go after the real offenders.
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