I am sick and tired of the NRA!

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I'll second any nomination for Jim March.

NB (who can't even get the NRA to return calls or e-mails about range club memebership)
...some of the comments here remind me of a teenager who wants to take his dads expensive sports car for a drive....no idea what his father went through to obtain it, the cost, or how it works...just knows he could drive it better than the old man.

Toughest thing to do is "overturn existing laws"....a far better tactic is to never let dumb ideas become law in the first place. Most of the bad laws originated at the local level or came from people who got put in office from your own localities. If you're not effective or active stopping this at the local level....what makes one think they can do a better job being elected to the NRA's board of directors?

Effective change starts at the bottom then goes up....not the other way around. Perhaps a few need to learn how to ride a bicycle before they get the keys to the car....grassroots success in local political campaigns, city councils, and state government will give you credibility to lead at a higher level....

I suspect most of the posters here are not even NRA Life Members, and have never participated in the election process...much less have an understanding of what the purpose of the NRA is...
why not everybody on THR drop their NRA membership and join Gunowners of America......... Personally I think that's the only way to change NRA , at least it'll be the easiest
The crux of the issue...

The NRA is a political organization, just like the DNC or the RNC. They run on money, and money requires memberships and donations. A long run of affluence and practically guaranteed memberships have convinced them that the majority of the gun-owning public is more than willing to accept an ongoing series of 'reasonable restrictions' on firearms ownership.

They may be right. Those of us who take a hard line like 'no new gun laws, and repeal the bad ones' or insist on a national CCW are viewed as radicals by the appeasment crowd. I say that if you let the wolf eat your leg so he'll leave the rest of you alone, you won't be able to run or fight when when he gets hungry again tomorrow.

If you buy a membership, then it's your NRA. I have quit them before over their wishy-washy defense of my freedoms, and I have learned that I can sleep nights without a NRA card in my wallet. The way I see it, that money can be just as well spent on phone calls to my legislators, or on ammo to make new shooters out of non-shooters. That's just my opinion and nothing more.

I won't support a candidate or an organization who doesn't stick by the issues that are dear to me. If you're upset with the NRA, write them a letter and tell them to stuff it- then tell them why, and what it'll take to win back your membership. If they get enough letters things will change- because money is the bottom line with them, just like any other political organization.

"why not everybody on THR drop their NRA membership and join Gunowners of America......... Personally I think that's the only way to change NRA , at least it'll be the easiest"

Ummm, and just how would that change things? How would another few thousand people make GOA the equivalent of an organization which has been in existance for over 125 years, has over 4,000,000 members, and is involved in almost all facets of gun ownership, safety, training, and competition?

I've never claimed that the NRA is perfect. Quite to the contrary I think that they have made some bad goofs over the past few years. To some people that is a reason to chuck the NRA out and try to start over with a relatively brand new organiaztion without the depth and strength of the NRA.

Sure sounds like a recipe for suicide to me.

My opinion (FWIW) is that every gun owner should be a member of at least three organizations as a MINIMUM! A national-level organization, your state organization, and a local range or gun club. Working from the bottom up you start by helping keep a local active and involved club working to get as many people shooting safely and influence local politicians. You support the state-wide organization to do the same at the state level. And you support AND participate in your national organization to the best of your ability.

Just because we are in the right does not mean that we are going to automatically win every fight and restore all of our rights overnight. It took us many years of inactivity and apathy to get this far. To expect to reverse this trend overnight is simply foolish.
It's a shame politics has to be explained on a political/gun website.

The NRA is represented by four and a half million members. There are probably another million more members of other gun groups but activitists have multiple memberships.

The NRA does everything it can to vote in A rated politicians. They do this by introducing more people to the shooting sports and actively working in the offices of the candidates.

Once a candidate is elected the NRA does everytihing it can to remind the candidates that it was the NRA that worked in their offices to get them in office in the first place.

That gives us the votes to sunset the Assault Weapons Bill for instance. But we only have the vote in the House. We don't have them in the Senate or the Presidency.

If we can get more candidates elected, we can get more votes for a true majority in the Senate which we don't have.

If we can get more candidates elected, we can get the judges we need which we don't have.

In places like California, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Maryland and Illinois, we don't have the votes, we don't have the candidates and we don't have the judges. We also don't have enough members who live in those areas.

"Taking over" the NRA does nothing. It doesn't change the numbers of members, elect more candidates or convince the candidates already in office to vote for the Second Amendment any more that what is happening now.
Well, Let's See

a few THR names that come to mind that should
be on the NRA board are:

Stephen A. Camp


Standing Wolf

George Hill






Robert In Oregon


and perhaps ME?

Wait a minute, I forgot Old Fuff, Tamara, and Tlhelmer

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
I've been thinking about this.
If I can run for it, I will. How long do you have to be a member? What are the requirements?

I'm up for it. I'll do it if you guys help me.
Folks, by "qualified", George probably meant he hasn't been an NRA member long enough (5 years I think?) to be a voting member, and hence can't run for NRA office.

I'm definitely in that boat. 'Kay? Can't run.

While this rule may seem a pain, there's a very good reason for it: the group can't be "quickly taken over by the opposition". It would take years, enough time to work out a counter.

Now, of the various "non-NRA gunnie groups", SAF (and CCRKBA whenever they need to do overt politics) in my opinion is by far the most effective. Head an shoulders. They've funded things the NRA has later taken credit for. The recent Ohio legal victories were all funded by SAF. Alan Gottlieb, Dave Workman and Joe Waldron are some of the best in the biz.
The length of time you have been a member has nothing to do with whether you can serve as an officer or director....only those with "Life Memberships" are able to hold office.
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NRA Bylaws Article VIII, Section 2.

Directors shall be elected from Lifetime members. Vacancies shall be made by the nominating committee through the petition process at the annual meeting.

The nominating process BEGINS each July. You may remember the pages in each July's American Rifleman another NRA magazines that have the details of candidates and offices. We have until July 2003 to get the ball rolling for Jim. That's a good thing since we can have his packet to NRA HQ before the rush. At that point our ducks should be in a row to move from nomination to election the next cycle.

You have to be a member for at least 5 STRAIGHT years to vote. If Jim has not renewed every year for the last five he will not be able to vote. He cannot be a board member without the life membership. His status will NOT be upgraded until his payments are complete.

These are some quotes from a thread on another board where action is being taken to get Jim Scoutten (host of American Shooter) nominated to the BOD.

I'd vote for george. who better? we need someone like him. there are many other good choices on this board, but how many of them have the tact and voice he has? i like a-human-right, but its preaching to the choir. madogre.com is entertaining and has a huge reader base. who else can claim that here?


shoot, why stop with the NRA? if this guy ran for pres i'd definatly vote for him.

http://www.madogre.com/Political Items/Presidential.htm
The NRA Board HAD some real hard core Second Amendment advocates when the Neal Knox people were on the Board. Neal, however, didn't have the "killer instinct" to conduct a clean sweep and kept LaPierre and much of the old guard on the board while trying to build bridges.

LaPierre and company brought Charlton Heston in from nowhere to beat Neal Knox by 2 votes in the election for First V-P. Then they conducted a purge of every director who would not SWEAR FEALTY to LaPierre and began to move NRA into the "mainstream" of politics. In the mainstream groups are expected to give up rights for the good of the community. You and I lose but Wayne gets invited to all the "PC" Washington cocktail parties and gets to rub shoulders with the rich and famous (one of whom he'd sell his Mother to become).

The NRA power structure (in the Bylaws) has been changed to prevent there every being another "revolt of the members." The NRA management distrusts its own membership more than Democrat politicians do. Give your money directly to the non-NRA local organization the actualy does the work (which NRA takes credit for) at your state Legislature.
Sigh. Well I ain't a life member, and it'll be quite a while before I can afford it. So that's out.

Not that I'd want it. I consider the California CCW fight more important right now.
You and I lose but Wayne gets invited to all the "PC" Washington cocktail parties and gets to rub shoulders with the rich and famous (one of whom he'd sell his Mother to become).
I have my own gripes with the NRA, and as to whether or not LaPierre is wanting to be one of the rich and famous I can't say, but to suggest that the chief spokesman of the NRA is getting invited to "all the PC Washington cocktail parties" seems (and certainly sounds) ridiculous. What "PC" anything or anyone, wants to be associated in anyway with the NRA?Sounds mutually exclusive to me. geegee
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