I couldn't resist............

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Mar 3, 2007
Copper Hill, Virginia
I saw this rifle at my local gun shop three weeks ago. I just couldn't get it out of my mind so I went back today and bought it. It is an Arsenal AK107CR. Price was $899. Someone please tell me the cure for AK-itis...............
(quote) "Someone please tell me the cure for AK-itis"

Dude, you're asking the wrong guy !! I'm up to five now, and eye-balling another !!:D
I saw your post at arfcom, hope this unit works out OK for you. I saw a thread over there giving a heads-up on Chi-com AK mag pouches from CheaperThan Nothing, along with a $10-off code that WORKED !!!
I think i know the cure. look at your bank account. :d Nice gun. I wanna ak really bad to. My step dad sold mine[ err his]. It was a yugo underfolder.
I'm a college kid, currently still waiting for his first AK, and already am looking at grabbing a WASR and Yugo already. Then, I'm still looking for a Mosin and an SKS.

I think my AKitis is showing the potential to become full-blown Com-Bloc Syndrome by the end of the year. Hopefully I'll have enough money to pay for it.
you should SBR it!!! there is no AK cure, once you are hooked its over. next logical step is to start building your own :D
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