I figured 'what the hell'. worth a shot.

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Feb 19, 2006
Bedford, TX
sent a letter to my US rep. he already is a cosponsor to HR 4547 and 1243. Lets see what he says.

We the people, are still the militia, and as such, we should have ready and easy access to the same small arms as our standing armies do, just like the founders of this great nation said we should. As it stands, because no civilian is allowed, by law, to own a machine gun that was manufactured after May 19, 1986, the laws of supply and demand have made it near impossible for the average citizen to own an earlier model. In order for us to adhere to our constitutional responsibility to be a well-regulated militia, this huge disadvantage must be eliminated.

I would like to see the hughes amendment removed from the FOPA 86 legislation. I would also like to see the $200 tax on automatic weapons, silencers, and other devices affected by this tax, repealed as well. This was a tax imposed upon us by a Democrat president and democratic congress who were unable to figure out a way to fight crime in the first place. I would hope that a republican led congress can see that the crime fighting ways of the Democrats has only hurt the law abiding citizen and not the criminal.
Bravo. You've already done more than a lot of people who would rather just whine about it.
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