I got my Lion.

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Mar 12, 2009
Gods coununtry. IDAHO.
After a long Lion season I was able to get it done. This was one of my most trying hunts several trips running roads that you shouldn't be on. Very cold mornings bucking deep snow to hiking up some very rough mountains and cliffs and to get it done with my bow.
That's one big kitty. Congrats!
Out of curiosity, is mountain lion something that is eaten? Never heard of anyone eating it.
Thank you.
Yes we've eaten some of it. I made about 10lbs of sausage mixed with about 15%bacon ends and pices along with some good spice the rest I'm making jerky with it. It reminds me more of pork than anything g else.
Did you hound it?

Honestly, that is the only way I can think of reliably taking a lion with a bow without some incredible luck.
Yes we were hunting with Hounds. I have a lot of respect for hound hunting now. Before I didn't know much about it and I'm still learning there is nothing like hearing a pack of hounds
That's how more internet cat pics should look!
At least from the perspective of a dog guy.
Nice work.
I hope I can participate in a dog hunt some day.
What do ya usually do with a mountain lion? Mount it? Cat rug?
Awesome! Nice cat man, I really want to do the dog thing. Looks like so much fun. Next year it's happening. Tagged along on a hunt a few weeks ago but couldn't cut a track.
I'm go to have it mounted as a wall rug and the scull European mounted.
I live in Idaho and we were hunting about 10 miles from my house. In the past they have caught cats 4 or 5 miles from the house so they are here I never go up in the hills without a hand gun.
Good job on eating it and nice cat. I'm a pragmatic sort and don't personally believe in killing anything that isnt threatening me/livestock or cant be eaten. Seems a waste of natures bounty when people dont eat an animal they've hunted. :)
Congratulations, Flipajig. Good thing you got one now as the Mountain lion season ends March 31. Were you with an outfitter with hounds or do you run your own dogs??

One of my neighbors has been hunting them in Unit 39 but has yet to score. Tracks but no fur.

I've been hunting with a buddy who has the hounds. It's been a up and down season I've seen the highs and the extreme lows of hunting cats. We caught one and went to another tree and when we got there the cat had jumped the tree and killed the dog she was there by herself. The cat was a big Tom we went back up the next day and now he is at the taxidermist.
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