I just HAD to laugh!

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Dec 27, 2004
Maui HI
Cheers all,

Earlier tonight, I'm in the dining room playing on the "pute", she's watching "Ghost Whisperer" on the box.

I'm really not paying attention to the TV, but all of a sudden, I hear out of that room: "Christ, get her a GUN and teach her to use it!" Now this is from a woman who, 20 years ago, didn't even consider a "gun" in her arsenal(sp?) for self defense! She prefered fists or a knife. "Guns" were for "city folk" - she didn't need one!

We're both "Southern" - by birth and raising - so guns were in our everyday life - -usually a .22 rifle or a .410 shotgun, nuthin' else. Survival.

We're about to celebrate our 25th anniversary (silver - does any body here cast silver?). It's taken me about all these years to make her paraonid enough to realize that her life is worth the takeing someone else's if it keeps her alive.

We're in a motel years ago, there is a "disturbance" in the hall - I'm off the bed in a flash, gun in hand - suddenly I hear a "semi" cycle forward into battery, look back - she's at "high port" and I'm still trying to figure out what's happening outside. I'm "slide open", full mag - just waiting - she's "cocked and locked". "No time to waste". That was her response.

I fly over to the mainland with "two to declare", she does the same thing 4 months later. One TSA person asked her if she knew what she was doing with "those weapons" - her response was " tell you, or show you?"

God, I love this "old blonde"!!!

Gentle winds,
you've got a winner there

Your wife sounds like a "keeper". Congratulations.

One of the most common themes for TV shows and movies is what TV people call "Woman in Jep"--a woman in jeopardy from some scumbag in her life. Your wife's suggestion applies to almost all of those shows. Of course, if the writers applied it the shows would be about 10 minutes long...
i just have to add with my 1st anniversary tomorrow, we bought two matching sig 229s for each other for our wedding gifts and today we are going looking for our new 1st year gifts, im thinking wilson combat but we will see. im looking forward to my next 25 years with her. congrats on your 25 years spent:)
Hmm, will silver melt in a standard furnace or will you need to crank the temperature? Get some of those silver cases that everyone seems to want all of a sudden, melt some silver and load up a few rounds minus the powder and you've got yourself a present no store could match. :D
Oh, Lord!


" tell you, or show you?"

Arfin beat me to it :D.
My wife does the same thing. Haven't had her cover my backside in a motel like that, but the TV show comments, oh yeah.
Watch bones. The lead woman in that show picked up a stalker so she went a picked a S & W .500.
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