I KNEW it!!! "Rev." Jesse Jackson calls for 9/11-style victim relief fund

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Dec 24, 2002
Lilium Inter Spinas
...citing the compensation paid to the families of victims of 9/11, I'm sitting here watching the "Reverend" :barf: Jesse Jacksonnnnnn, live on PMSNBC, call for compensation to the New Orleans victims of Hurricane Katrina in like manner.

Pardon me while I puke. But I mentioned this to several folks about 3 days ago, and said "mark my words".

He's making reference to the "oppressed masses in the belly of a slave ship..." (HIS words). Gag me.

Anybody actually agree that we should provide government compensation to all who were somehow inconvenienced by this?
We already are providing government compensation to many of them, in the form of welfare, Social Security, etc. Why pay more?

To add to my displeasure, Jackson's in my area at the moment, and making his usual fuss - see here for all the nauseating details. Why doesn't someone drop a piano on that idiot??? :fire:
Is it too much to hope that Jackson goes down into the bowels of NO, and a sniper finds his mark.....Just a day dream. That man will cause more trouble than Katrina did. He is racists, he makes a living off the backs of black people by lying to them.
Jesse Jackass just wants a piece of the action. Racist idiot.

Seems his peeps will soon be in the "belly" of a cruise ship rather than a slave ship.

Why not just head east and drop them back in Africa where they seem to feel more at home?

It was a mistake for the Feds to pay the families of 911 also. It set bad prededent and unintended consequences. It is also arbitary. I never thought of it as rational. Where do you draw the line and why? Emotional overreaction and bad policy always goes together.
I saw the MSNBC clip as well. One of the other comments he slipped in was that "The money to strengthen the levy system in New Orleans went to Iraq". :banghead:
*Sigh* whay can't he just go away or die in a car crash or something. :rolleyes: I say we go talk with god and trade Jesse Jackson for MLK Jr. Though we may need to throw Ted Kenedy into the deal as well as Oprah. :D
One of the other comments he slipped in was that "The money to strengthen the levy system in New Orleans went to Iraq".

So, the Iraq war has been going on for almost 40 years, according to Jackson. Just shows how much of a walking waste of oxygen he is. They have been talking about thes Levy for over 40 years, and every admin has had a chance to fund it, but I find it funny, if I can find the article, the citizens of LA were offered funds for the levy system, if they would match it dollar for dollar. They countered with an offer to match each dollar of fed funds with 25 cents.

Cant blame the feds on this one.
Once again the great (in his own, what passes for, a mind) Jesse J, showed his true colors. Instead of being the leader he claims to be and stepping up to the plate to ensure peace and order, he waited on the sidelines to see which way the wind was blowing before setting his sails. Or as John Kass has said in the ChiTrib, if Little Richie Daley's corrupt regime is toppled, it may be replaced by the corrupt J Jackson family.
uh, guys-

i guess none of you (including mr jackson) noticed the FEMA map of the area-
all the hardest hit areas are eligible for indivual relief. which means they fill out forms, and they get a check for the house they lost, etc.

sorry to break it to you, but it is part of our fed taxes, to some degree, since people (typivcally) generate income for the govt, and people who lose everything they own tend to need help getting back on their feet, we give them something.

on par with 9-11? ridiculous, those people lost the family breadwinners. i dont think this is too often the case in NO.

-hey we do it for big business all the time, more often than not because big biz cant run itself properly. i dont think it is too out of line for humans to ask the same.

500 billion subsidies for the oil companies which profit $700 billion per QUARter.
Rev. Jacksonnnnn... truly a waste of good air.

I knew this was going to come... too many minority folks involved not to expect it. I think the government should reward the looters by giving them money on top of what they stole when they deserved a bullet.
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