I need a safe

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May 3, 2008
I didn't know were to put this so I put it here if it needs to be moved please do so. With getting a handgun or two soon and having a 5 year old son at home. I figure I need a safe for my handguns. I am thinking I want one that will hold a minimum of 4 handguns. I am also thinking I want a combo safe over just a key. If any of you have suggestions on what to get and/or what to stay away from that would be great. Links would be nice.
Buy a good quality safe. Bolt it to the floor if possible. Bigger is better...they fill up fast. Or just buy whatever fits your needs. But repeat...get a good one. Junk is junk....and easy to pry open.
Residential Security Container, the PC term for "small safe that has no fire rating and isn't bolted down", or something like that.

Think of it like this... "RSC" is to "Safe" what "Safe" is to "Vault".


EDIT: And welcome to THR by the way. :)
I am in a similar situation. Sentry makes a pushbutton combo safe for a couple hundred that works great for me. I keep it beside the bed (I'm divorced - it makes a decent nightstand) and can enter the combo by touch. I can open it in less than 3 seconds. Problem is that I've filled it with my HD pistol and some mags, important docs, other stuff. It's full.

I need another option for the non gun stuff but it's sooo hard to think about that with that econ stimulus check coming and Ruger's new lcp - or that BLR in.308 I've been looking at... Don't I need a tac lite for the USP?

Final note: Never let the kid see you enter the combo. My almost five year old outsmarts me at least once a week. I consider combo entry on the same level as muzzle orientation.

Think of it like this... "RSC" is to "Safe" what "Safe" is to "Vault".
That's not bad.

I prefer to think along the lines of "Liberty and Fort Knox and competitors are just brands, like Ford and Chevrolet are just brands. You can buy economy cars, full-sized cars, vans and pickups - those are RSC equivalents. You can buy GM and Ford and other mfr dump trucks and stake-beds and tractor-trailer rigs - those are safe equivalents."

What you buy in both cases depends on what you want to do and what you can afford. You can't haul dirt very well in a Focus; you usually won't get 30 mpg from your dump truck.
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