I think I just converted my dad

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Sep 16, 2006
Reminiscing the Rockies
My dad has always been very proud of our military. But in the civilian life he has always had a strong distaste for civilian self defense and violence in general. He has always hated cheap rifles, thought handguns should be banned, and thought the average person wasn't responsible enough to handle a gun. He was so bad that he was extremely upset that I bought my first rifle. The only thing that calmed him down was the fact that it was a "single shot" bolt action. Even then he was extremely against the "evil" SKS rifle which "had no practical use". Since then I've introduced him to trap shooting, educated him on how ridiculous the media is on firearms, made him angry about the media's spin of Teflon "cop killing bullets", etc. I even convinced him that buckets of water kill more children under 5 (on accident) than guns.

Today he asked me to teach him how to reload shotgun shells and I think he actually became jealous when I told him I'm going to shoot an AK47 this weekend. Considering that it wasn't long ago that he refused to let me in the house if I had a gun (or "explosive" gunpowder) with me this is a HUGE change.

Lessons learned: Make sure sure you let the anti know you are reading all of the arguments of the left and the right. He thought I was a crazy libertarian when I bought this DVD:


but I think I finally broke him when he realized I was reading the National Academy of Sciences, NYT's, CBS, gun-r-evil-bloggin-Tim-Iambert as well. One thing I noticed about him is that he really respected fine engineering. When I showed him my Hornady 366 he was tickled pink by the "assembly line" inside the machine. He couldn't stop playing with it. At the gun club the "fine Italian" Benelli's is what made him respect the shotgun. Anything less "gentlemanly" like the Remington (please forgive him) wouldn't do. With him I think the statistics/history broke his fear but the fine engineering is what caused him to become really interested. Since he was a huge war historian I would frequently frame gun conversations in relation to military small arms from the civil war to present day. Also, him seeing how much of a stress relief shooting is for me really helps. To this day I don't have another activity that can relieve stress like shooting can and I think he knows this.

Just passing a few lessons on to other potential pro-gun pro-freedom missionaries.

-tipsy friday night wacki
There's a word for this . . .

Oh, yeah. AWESOME!

Nicely done, wacki.

If quality engineering is his schtick, there's certainly plenty of that out there.

I wonder if he'd be interested in that thing Browning designed in 1906. The M1911 has been around in one incarnation or another for a century. That's some serious engineering.

And if your dad respects the military, then perhaps he would like to meet the (late) Colonel through his publications.


Well done!
Right on! That shows he's a reasonable and intelligent man if he's willing to think about both sides and make an informed decision.
Step two- offer to take him shooting. It might take a few tries but get him to go.
If he hates 'cheap' guns but apperciates fine engineering, really blow his mind and buy him a nice K31. He won't know what to think. An engineering masterpiece for less $$ than a cheap SKS.
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