I think my Glock 26 makes a fine backpack piece..

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Sep 2, 2011
Yep.. I dont go trailing or hiking without it. Ill just be sure to stay out of bear country.. Haha. . Really though its lightwieght, durable. Torture tested to death so its reliable and i dont mind scratchin it up. Thats all thanks:D
To answer the why not a 17, I carry my G26 while biking. While I would not mind carrying a bigger pistol, the pouch that my pistol goes in can only hold a G26 sized pistol. I love mine for woods carry too and it fits pretty much anywhere I put it.
The 26 is great for that. I prefer the 27, but its just a different caliber. Whether hiking, fishing, boating or camping you can't ask for a better gun. Its small, light, reliable, accurate and basically impervious to the elements.

I bought a G20 in 10mm for going into the woods or the swamp. Its a great gun, everything its supposed to be. But the bottom line is the G27 goes for the ride, the G 20 stays in the safe. No doubt the 10mm is the better round, but not enough better to overcome the conveinence of the G27.
I use my CZ-75D PCR as my backpacking gun. Light, reliable, accurate, and compact.
It may be hard to believe on these message boards, but thousands of people walk daily through 4-legged creature territory and don't get mauled, eaten or charged. Most of them will never see anything larger than a squirrel for that matter. I spent a fair amount of time out hiking and camping as a teenager with nothing more than a Swiss Army knife.

That said, my Glock 26 is my most frequent companion when out hiking around now. I'm trying to figure out how best to carry it in my fly fishing vest, as waist band carry is a bit problematic with all of the bending and twist inherent to that sport. While I have bigger and more "capable" pistols, the little Glock goes most often because the below quote pretty much sums up my thoughts on "woods carry":

The Lone Haranguer said:
With a few precautions, you can avoid [bears] in the first place. The most dangerous creatures in the forest walk on two legs.

My apologies to The Lone Haranguer for editing his statement; I hope to maintain the context of what was said.
If I was to get a pistol of that size for woods carry it would either be the 29 or 30.....some of those forest animals might need more than 9mm or .40 S&W pills to put down....but I do love the Glock 26!

Thankfully, I am only looking for a full size model for woods/farm carry (the G20sf/21sf)
I bet it is a great gun. I need to consider one someday, maybe. I don't mean to sound like "Safety Steve", but a Glock in a backpack sounds a little dangerous to me. I hope you are careful about it.
Glock in back pack and need, it your screwed. Glock on your body?? maybe not.?? Buy some bear spray for bear. Save the glock for 2 legged attackers. Spray works there to just not arond a tent. Get a g17 mag for your 26 or a +2 extention.
I also carry the sub-c Glock when hiking/backpacking but the 40 cal.

If its animals you need to fend off, I feel a tad bit better with the extra UMPH of the 40

If I miss my first shot, I'm hoping the much louder BANG will scare off the more sound sensitive four legged critters
Glock in back pack and need, it your screwed. Glock on your body?? maybe not.?? Buy some bear spray for bear. Save the glock for 2 legged attackers. Spray works there to just not arond a tent. Get a g17 mag for your 26 or a +2 extention.
Sure "backpacking" is another words for hiking/ trail. The pistol is always in my holster
Oh some dumbies do put there firearm in on there packs too. Well anyhow get you some bear spray , whole lot safer to chase one off than wound one that is likely.
I have owned both the G-26, and G-27. While the .40 has more hitting power, I don't care for the G-27's recoil. My full size .40 I enjoy.

For two legged predators, the G-26 is good. I am assuming that if open carry is allowed in ones state, it may be allowed in most parks. One must check to make sure they are in compliance with all those rules.

Unless you are in grizzly bear country, there is really no need for something to defend yourself with the animals. As a matter of fact, bear spray is more effective in detouring a bear attack. It seems the olfactory glands on these bruins are quite sensitive to the chemicals.
When we hiked in Yellowstone, in addition to the spray we all had a whistle. When going through areas where we didn't have at least 100 yards of visibility, we would blast on the whistle once.
I never enjoyed shooting full power 10mm loads in a Glock.

I'm not a Glock fan, but if it's reliable and accurate it's a good choice.

It should change a cougar's channel.
Bear Spray on my hip; a Glock 29 in my holster. That's all.
With "bear" loads? Probably 2 or 3 good hits, and hopefully goodbye Mr Bear. Of all the ways to die, I would not wish to check out the way Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend did.
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