I want to end politics as a career. Please help.

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Dec 25, 2002
I want to start a referendum in my state to end career politicians. I do not believe that people should be allowed to be in politics for longer than ten years. I am sick and tired of career politicians like gray davis who do nothing but raise funds for their next campaign the whole time they are in office and screw the hardworking people whenever they get a chance in between fundraisers.

I do not think it is right for politics to be a career, nor do I believe our Founding Fathers intended it to be such. I do not want to see people going from city councilmember to mayor, to state legislator, to governor, to US Legislature, etc.

We now have a class of ruling elite in this country, and I believe our Fathers would be VERY upset (to say the least) if they were alive today.

I could see such a referendum enjoying popular support on all sides of the political spectrum, both liberal and conservative.

I have learned from talking to people, and also get the feeling that one of Arnold's strongest points is that he is NOT a career politician.

What do you think?

How hard would it be to do such a thing, realistically?

Please share your thoughts and opinions.
well, being a total cynic, here's my $.02
the idea would be wildly popular with most people, but it doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of actually passing into any sort of law. =(
Maybe first I'll start a referendum removing the 9th Circus from our court system.

:D :D :D


I want a Citizen Legislature as much as anyone, I'm just feeling the weight of oppresion from all those liars/lawyers in office supporting the multi-national military big business complex on the backs of the underclass with tax dollars stolen from the funds intended for the needy and the children.:what:

Wow...I think I just had a sixties moment. Where the hell did that come from.:uhoh: I hate what the sixties did for us.:banghead:
I don't know where that came from either, Rick, but go do this some more: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:


I'm just sick and tired of becoming sick every time I hear what the govt is doing to us and to this country, plain and simple.

We have a ruling elite class in this country, and that's just not right, no further explanation needed.

I want to do away with that, plain and simple.
Well, some dont start out to be carreer politicians. They start out wishing to help people, and say to themselves: "Hey, if I run for this position, I can represent more people and therefore help more people." The truely great politicans maintain that mindset all the way thru. That is the way I would do it, if I were so inclined to go stark raving mad veeerrrryyy slowly.:p Unfortunately, if I get anymore politically active in the next 2 years, running for office is darn near the next step up.

OTOH, some do it for power.:fire:

I think a problem is that too many people want to be career politicians, but more than anything Congress is broken because people elect politians who are either unwise or corrupt. Years ago even SCOTUS justices used to quit and go do other stuff. Now politicians and judges stay or keep moving up until they retire or die. It's the electorate's fault. I'm not sure term limits would fix things. You'd have all sorts of people skirting the restrictions - bouncing back and forth between the senate and the house, for instance, or between state and federal offices, etc.

It's really sick.
What you really mean is that you want to end career politics for politicians you don't like. What you are talking about is limiting people's freedom to choose their own political representatives. I don't like Ted Kennedy, but if the people of Mass. want to keep re-electing him, then that is up to them. Not my place to tell them they must choose someone else. Same-same at state and local levels.
"Why not?"

It has been my observation that most folks agree with term limits...but only for the "other guy". When it comes to their representative, senator, governor, etc., they want to exempt them because "they are good for us".

Term Limits - Yes!

But Not In My Backyard.
I like the idea but

It sounds like your trying to play a game with the rule makers. Probably be about as effective as getting them to not vote themselves another raise. I know how I feel when somebody starts messing around with my job security.

As far as removing the 9th Circus from our court system... There was talk not so long ago about breaking it up into smaller territories. They cover too many states and not many of those have the San Franciso mindset. Haven't heard any progress being made on this though.
The way the system is set up is fine.

The problem is most people don't vote and give a crap. If people held their representatives responsible for their actions this wouldn't be a problem.

You can go the lazy man's way and work to pass a term limits referendum.

We did that down here after we couldn't get voters out to get rid of the county comizars who some have been intrenched in office over 15 years and deep in the pockets of special interest groups.
feedthehogs has it right. Too many people who don't give a crap, or are being actively cared for by their "benevolent" federal parents, to vote these human stains out of office.

Bottom line is, we get what we pay for, or what we tolerate.
Run for office?
More on this on November 5th.
Walk the walk, brutha.
David had it easy against Goliath, by the way.
Well, I have always known about what little naïveté I have. I would like to carry a little of it thru life, because it sucks knowing that the world is going to Hell in a handbasket and that there is nothing you can do about it.

Edited for spelling of "naïveté" with the help of the local gremlin.;) Sounds like a James Garner movie.:D
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What you really mean is that you want to end career politics for politicians you don't like. What you are talking about is limiting people's freedom to choose their own political representatives. I don't like Ted Kennedy, but if the people of Mass. want to keep re-electing him, then that is up to them. Not my place to tell them they must choose someone else. Same-same at state and local levels.

You mean NDSAP candidates are kosher, to excuse the pun?

Your argument seems flawed, with the advent of the 22nd amendment.
If you want to see democracy in action try picking Congress, with
certain minimal qualifications, at random. I'd trust a thousand
Americans so picked more than I trust the current denizens.
Forgive me, Drones, but your approach is highly flawed for 2 reasons:

1 - Term limits are essentially anti-freedom, as they seek to limit the choice of the constituents. Aren't elections a form of term limits?

2 - What happens when you have someone like Ron Paul, or even Tom McClintock? I like those guys and would gladly keep them around for as long as I could have them.

If you want to seriously change things you will need to accomplish these things:

1 - Make being a politician less lucrative. Congress gets fantastic bennies, and they get them long after they stop "serving" in public office. Cut the bennies; make it so that one can live a decent but not sweet living. In NH we have basically an unpaid legislature and we seem to do a decent job holding socialism at bay.

2 - Have some measure of accountability where politicians will be held personally responsible for their decisions. Perhaps a mechanism via the state govt to criminally charge the politicians for a violation of their duties. I'd like to see a few executed. "Ok, so you voted for Headstart, what a gushy for-the-kids program? Hmmm, I don't see this anywhere in your prescribed duties, would you like to see a minister or priest before you're hanged?" Make politicians scarred to vote for this nonsense and you won't see the parasitic type trying to get into it; the cost/benefit ratio simply isn’t there.

3 - Get the govt out of the school business. Congress is generally representative of their constituents, as you can see by contrasting a Republican from rural Idaho v. a Republican from Southern California. The dumber you make people the more garbage you're likely to see elected. The tremendous damage done to America by the govt school system would take volumes to catalog. Even though we continually throw more and more money at education, far more per student than anywhere else in the world, our students rank pathetically against countries we generally regard as being basket cases.

While I could go on at length describing the intricacies of the problem, suffice it to say that intellectual development has been cast aside in favor of social conditioning. What kind of leaders do you expect to elect with a dumbed down/feel-good population?

4 - Eliminate doles. A dependant population is going to vote for the guy who promises them more handouts, and when you cross the situation with every sector of the population being on some type of dole you ensure that you can succeed by promising more and more doles. The result is that govt will always get bigger and more invasive. Divide and Conquer is the tool used to enslave the people through doles, which is why eliminating them is key.

5 - I know I'll take a generous amount of flak for this but so be it, Eliminate Universal Suffrage!!! When you have a situation where one can fully enjoy the benefits of something yet having absolutely no idea of how it functions, you will soon see it disintegrate. What would happen if you hand someone keys to a brand new car yet they do not have any idea how it works and what must be done to maintain that car? They will destroy it. I know a mechanic who has seen more than a few engines trashed because the twits driving them didn’t know that the oil must be changed.

If someone votes, they should be able to pass a test on basic economics, mathematics, how our govt is structured, etc. It wouldn't be terribly different from a driver's license test. If someone is so stupid and ignorant that they don't know how our society functions then they don't deserve a say in wreaking it.

On that note, only taxpayers should vote. A tax schemes have serious flaws, whether they be income (the most disgusting), a flat tax (less cumbersome but still morally reprehensible), or a sales tax (requires an intrusive govt mechanism to enforce). The least unjust would be a head tax. The budget is divided by amount of people who claim a share, only one per person, and they pay that amount to support the running of the govt. If someone does not pay tax, why should they have a say in how things are run?

Keep in mind that being able to vote, which one would be eligible for after paying the head tax, would not waive the academic requirement. This would eliminate the possibilities of some who is rich but stupid getting a vote.

If you accomplished all of those steps term limits would be a moot point.
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