I want to end politics as a career. Please help.

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Random selection would produce a Bell curve, sorta.
Few great, lots of ok and a few horrible.

Vast improvement.

Tis a shame politicians and other criminals can buy votes.

4 - Eliminate doles. A dependant population is going to vote for the guy who promises them more handouts, and when you cross the situation with every sector of the population being on some type of dole you ensure that you can succeed by promising more and more doles. The result is that govt will always get bigger and more invasive. Divide and Conquer is the tool used to enslave the people through doles, which is why eliminating them is key.

This is how pols corrupt the people and convince them to vote for them despite their unconstitutional utterances.
Repeal the 16th Amend. to start. The less money to go around, the less to "bribe" voters."

5 - I know I'll take a generous amount of flak for this but so be it, Eliminate Universal Suffrage!!!

How can people who cannot figure out how to complete a ballot properly be trusted to govern others. IMHO, Excessive Suffrage has led to many more problems than it has solved. Only a written Constitution has limited, to date US suffering from politically(not party affiliation) illiteracy.

While the individual is sovereign, before the individual undertakes to participate in other than self-governance, it is not unreasonable to ask that the individual demonstrate a level of proficiency. After all, it is required in most jurisdictions for one to demonstrate proficiency at some level to excercise RKBA. CCW course, hunter safety course, even archery safety course(who said "arms" is limited to firearms?).
Well, I dont think that eliminating Universal Sufferage is entirely a good idea. Everyone who is a citizen has the right to vote.

However, I agree with the argument that being a politician should be made much less lucrative, and the "free rides" provided by the government should be cancelled to everyone. People who want to become US citizens should be doing so because they want to become a citizen and have a chance to make a better life for themselves, and not have a better life handed to them. I dont have a better life handed to me when I am born in this country (some do, but no one should), and just because someone is a foreign national wanting a better life doesnt mean that they should get a free pass.:fire:

I too may catch flak, but a very small test should be administered (one that I wouldnt pass the first time...:scrutiny: :uhoh: ) : Every person who votes must list or speak (in english on both counts) 3 elements or views of each candidate for one race. If several races (senate, house, dog catcher, etc) are on the ballot, then the highest race is the one tested on. If someone is going to be voting, they had damned well be educated on what issues they are voting on. None of this "feel good for the children mindlessness, because they are pretty, or smart, or because Billy Bob at the caucus said so, or such like'' voting crap.:fire:
Everyone has a right to vote. We also have an obligation to do so intelligiently. I will set out an election b4 voting in an election which is unclear. Most of these, however, are safe in conserving the present conditions until a more certain solution appears. Hate. Unintended. Consequences. Probably another saving grace is the apathy of so many voters. I have always contended low voter turnout is a good thing. Check the receord voter turnout in Germany circa 1932.
I agree with the argument that being a politician should be made much less lucrative
The trouble with that is you get what you pay for. Every once in a while you might get a good candidate, but unless the person is ultra wealthy and can afford not to have a good job, why would he want to be in politics? Problem is now most people can't afford to run unless they are ultra-wealthy so really either way, the people with money rule.

I think I like the idea of making elections more affordable for the common man than eliminating career politicians. That might be because I am a political science graduate and I need job security.

Does a test for one's driver's license discriminate against those with whom I disagree? Is it just a tool for the powers that be to inconvenience those that they are politically opposed to?

I hardly think so, although it does discriminate against those that are grossly incompetant. How is a similar test determining who I agree with and then discriminating against them, especially when I have absolutely no knowledge of where they stand politically?


As I previously mentioned, in NH we have a virtually unpaid legislature and we do ok. What will happen is that you will not attract people who want to make a career out of politics due to it's cushy compensation. Why hack it in the free market when you can be another parasite?
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