I went to Albany NY as a lobbyist

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Dec 27, 2007
western NY
I got on the bus 4am and rode to Albany ,,we went to about 10 legislative offices to discuss Hunting ,Trapping, Handgun permits, And the 50 cal ban,
I was happy with our trip I got to educate a couple of staffers as to what a 50 cal ban actually meant [Never used in a crime weigh 40-45lbs and shoots ammo that costs $2.50 a shot] I also told them what will you do when we make ammo in 49 cal/48/ 47.5 cal?????. BAN THAT TOO!
I met my state Senator,My Assemblyman and many many staffers AND OTHER SENATORS .
I also learned that the best way to get the attention of your elected officials is to HAND Write Letters. E-mails can get deleted without reading -Petitions don't hold much weight. But a written letter in a envelope will get read..
I took my wife as she has a major in political science and thought it would be a good experience for her .
As to guns we went across the street to the museum where they had a 9-11-01 section in that was a display case with about 15 crushed burned guns recovered from the wreckage of the towers.
All in all a good trip,,On the way home we had sandwiches and COLD Beer--I drank my share while trading gun hunting stories with fellow riders...
I went lobying for my profession March 10th, didn't know there was a lobby day for gunowners.

Wish I had known. Or been invited.

Showing up more than once per year would be an advantage for us. But this may have been the same day, just a different time for the appointment.
Great! I hope people in NY can make a change in the laws there, especially in regards to "pistol permits." It is ridiculous that you cannot possess a handgun or even shoot one unless a judge decides to issue a permit. I don't know if this could be changed in the legislature, but may be found unconstitutional in a court. I think that the politicians in Albany need to meet some nice upstanding and law abiding gun owners, it makes us look good. Thank you for taking the time to represent Second Amendment issues in New York State!
Thanks for the thought on written letters, it may not be as convenient as email but if it is more effective I better go buy a roll of stamps! ;)

Enjoy another cool one, you earned it! :)
Use postcards instead of letters if you're writing on a time-sensitive matter. Letters in envelopes may go through a screening process for contaminants that might delay their delivery. Post cards won't.
Props to the OP. Very professional way to handle and relay your information to people. You got a pat on the back from me.

@Arcli9ght: He means mailed physically in an envelope with a stamp. You can type it or pen it out as you will.
Thanks for the compliments --It was actually fun and educational for my wife -!!
Dont be afraid to talk to any elected official .... They actually are nice and professional EVEN the antis --Best part it you actually have more gun knowledge than they do.. I reccomend everyone do the same...
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