I would have failed this 'test'....

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DT Guy

Feb 23, 2003
Hope this isn't a duplicate, but take a look at this:


Be sure to, as the description advises, watch the video before reading the explanation.

Don't want to discuss too much at this point, but I would NOT have seen what I needed to see in this case, I'm certain of it. Thank goodness the good guy had a backup, and he was sharp as a tack.

The video isn't clear, but from what I understand, the suspect was pulling a pistol out of his back pocket as he was laying the rifle on the sidewalk.

The cop behind him saw it and reacted.
Video is pretty bad quality, but could make out the handgun in the suspect's hand after he was shot.

I thought this was pretty suspect by the way the policeman in the front just casually lowers is gun and strolls towards the downed suspect after the shooting. Also the lack of recoil from his pistol. Looks like a simulation of some kind?
I had to replay several times but he was shot by the officer to his rear. The rear officer definitely had a bead on him and you can see the recoil of his pistol. He also maintained coverage on the suspect with his pistol as the officer to the front approached.

Also, the suspect straightened up as he was hit and fell backwards (hits from the rear); as opposed to down and forward which is a more likely reaction to hits from the front especially when he was leaning forward already.
I was also struck by how the officer to the front lowered his weapon, but it made sense when I saw the cover officer still had his weapon on him.

As something happening in real time, and with an adrenalin pump going, that had to be a very tricky situation. As I mentioned, I am fairly certain I would not have 'passed' that test.

Sorry, folks, but this is a LE scenario. We leave those to the LE discussion boards...


The scope of ST&T covers civilian (that is, non military and non law enforcement) situations. There are other fora available on the Internet for paramilitary discussions and for sworn officers acting in the line of duty.

However, the experience and opinions of active and former law enforcement officers frequently provide invaluable background and perspectives for the armed citizen. Contributions by sworn officers are encouraged and welcome.
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