Idaho Reaffirms 2nd Amendment --tells DC to shove it

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Well, I can't resist including this shameless plug to sell you a spot in one of the most beautiful places on the planet:

Beautiful area. I only wish Florida would do the same as your state has done on the 2nd Amendment issue. But your elected officials have a "pair" my representatives don't.
Okay, first off the only funny thing in this thread is that only someone from Boise would refer to Stanley as "Up North", that made me smile, rock on my Southern friend.
I was born and raised in this state and the current situation in not something new, this state had been being trod on by the fed for a very long time and on multiple issues important here, and frankly, we are tired of it. There is a very serious underlying unrest here like I have never seen. The attack on the 2nd is going to be the break point. You already get the feeling of, not if, but when.
Our legislature here has been lax on dealing with the fed for far to long and I think they may have FINALLY realized the citizens of this state are at a break point. Everywhere you go there is talk about making the stand and contacting your representatives, that is not something you normally experience. The times are tough here and we have taken a beating on many fronts, and yet it is nothing to walk into any sporting goods store and seeing someone lay down $1000-$2000 plus on ammunition. I am in there a lot and see it almost every time. The gun counter is packed and you better be there when the shipment arrives if you want to get something. I know this is going on everywhere, but keep in mind, this state was already armed. This is rural America folks, the gun owner is the majority here. I can only imagine the headlines in any major paper if most houses in this state were raided right now.
But, this is what made them do this, our first stop is Boise if they fail us, and we let them know that. This state is chocked full of red blooded Americans that love this country and their freedom, and no one wants to see this happen, but if it does we are not going to roll over and take it. I really never thought I would see it in my lifetime. Everyone has always talked about what the true meaning of the 2nd was, but the reality that it may actually come into play is sobering.
We are the people and it is time we took our rightful place back.

Please, get involved, write those letters, be polite but firm. It's okay to be angry, but be respectful.
Eaglecreekbrewer is right on with his assertions and observations. I too have seen the counters 3 deep on the weekend with people buying guns, filling out forms, etc.

I moved here in 1993 from California Bay Area (Sunnyvale). My wife and I made a decision that we were not going to raise our kids in a place that panders to non law-abiding, wackos and illegals that are/have literally driven that state into bankruptcy. May God help the "good" people in Cali, they are going to need when the taxes are jacked up so high you'll need to take out a loan just to buy a tank of gas.

Long live the good folks of Idaho and the 2nd Ammendment.

Hey "renegade1alpha", I ride year round. 35 degrees and dry roads and I'm out cruising.
The wife and I had already made plans to retire in Idaho, specifically the Couer de Alene area. Now, we're trying to find work there so we can go now, as opposed to later. I was born and raised the Northern California Sierra Nevadas, and have been trying to get back to the mountains ever since I left 'em...but it'll be Idaho, and not California that I move to.
Welcome, Eaglecreekbrewer.

You are blessed to be where you are living. I'm living somewhere else deep
within one of the socialist states where people expect the gov't to do
everything for them. Yes, I should have emigrated to a place like Idaho a
long time ago, but jobs can be scare there, too.
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