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Feb 13, 2007

#1 - Depending on the state or city they live in, this could have qualified as manufacturing a firearm, in which case they were essentially shooting a firearm at people's houses and vehicles.

#2 - There is a reason pyrotechnicians use either steel, cardboard, or HDPE pipe for mortars and never PVC, and that is because PVC is brittle and can produce shrapnel if it bursts, in which case this stunt could have been fatal. Maybe hairspray wouldn't cause rupture, but PROPANE? Horribly dangerous.

#3 - I'll reiterate that they were shooting either up in the air towards houses with no idea of whether they would hit somebody or a window, or a car possibly causing property damage or injury - not to mention the times they shot DIRECTLY at a house or DIRECTLY at a vehicle (ice cream truck and something else I think).

#4 - That guy who complained was entirely right to do so.

I don't have a problem with spud guns, and am not 100% clear on the ATF's position on them, but to see them used so recklessly really upsets me. Later on my crashing a car into stuff you get to see the IQ of this bunch. If somebody wants to build a spud gun, that's fine with me, but I'd hope that they'd use HDPE pipe and would firing it in a safe manner with either a target and backstop, or at least in a large open field where they could see where it lands and would know they weren't possibly causing property damage or injury. In a typical residential neighborhood where the seems to be fairly high relative population density, is just a horrible horrible idea.

Also, while on the topic, with tomorrow being the fourth of July, I hope none of you are planning to fire a gun into the air. I beg those of you who were even thinking about it to reconsider - but I'm sure this crowd wouldn't even dare think of doing that anyways so my words I'm sure were not necessary.

Idiots like these give us a bad name because the general public unfortunately would probably lump us gunnies and these morons together. Anyways, rant off.
Thanks for the link. Those guys were idiots but the video was well edited and funny. That guy driving his car through the window caught me off guard. Crazy guys...
I have a spudgun with a push-button piezoelectric ignition, and a rifled barrel (yes, rifled). It is GREAT, cheap fun. I have shot literally hundreds, maybe thousands of rounds through it. I use starter fluid (ether) as a propellant.

A friend of a friend saw mine, and decided to build his own. He got tired of ether as a propellant, and tried an oxy-acetylene mixture. He had to go to the emergency room to get his hand stitched up, and he probably still has the dent in his car door from the shrapnel.
on the 4th of july, all americans should go into the streets and fire their guns into the air, just to remind the govt who really has the power. ben franklin i do know what you are saying, though, rgrlover:D
Off Topic since spud guns are not firearms nor do they have any application in training as firearms simulators.
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