If John Kerry becomes president...

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I'm switching my party registration from Libertarian to Republican this year so I can vote in the closed Republican primaries; while my beliefs are still fundamentally libertarian, practicality demands voting for the lesser evil until such time as the good guys have a real chance.
You guys really crack me up with the Hillaryphobia. We have a genuine American dynasty here with the Bush family. There's never been anything like it in this country. Bush II was brought into politics with nothing but his father's name and connections. When he first ran, the repug apologists were all over themselves to explain that his lack of experience would be made up for by his father's cronies. No one with half a brain thought he was qualified.

Whatever you think of Hillary, she was always the brighter of the Clintons. If she gets anywhere in politics it is more likely in spite of the name instead of because of it.

Not that I would vote for her, but get a life, guys.
We cannot have a John Frankenstein Kerry administration, for two reasons.

1. His cute little anti war protests during Vietnam, and specifically his charges of the members of our military committing all of his stated attrocities in Vietnam, many of which were later proven to be false. He made these statements while we still had boots on the ground and POW's suffering in NV prisons. He gave aid and comfort to our enemy. Traitor.

2. He is absent for months from his Senate duties, but finds time to fly to Washington on Super Tuesday to vote against gun owners by voting to extend the AWB for 10 years as part of FineSwines ammendment to S.1805

I was seriously considering third party this time, but I am back in the Bush camp. Yes, there have been some bears around who have crapped in this camp, including Bush Bear himself ("I support the AWB ban and would sign and extension", parts of the Patriot Act, Immigration). But I am hoping that a second term, where he doesn't have to pay as much attention to the political winds will move him farther right. I could be wrong, but I'm going to roll the dice.

Lastly, I blame many of us gunowners for not only the AWB ammendment passing, but Bushes public statements of support. We have gun owners who are handgun owners, shotgun owners or "sporting" rifle owners, who couldn't give a rats butt about owners of semiautomatic rifles that look like they are military rifles.

They go through life with this attitude that if they ain't coming for mine, I won't fight for yours. The antis and even moderates pick up on this and the political wind direction gets set. They can then divide and conquer. We better all get on the same page. Only then will our rights and the Second Amendment not be infringed. Verstehen Sie? (Do you understand?)
Dangit, Moparmike.....

"I'm not going to vote for the pro-freedom candidate because not enough people will vote for him, so he won't win." Circular logic: see "Logic, circular".

Tamara's gonna have to copywrite that quote, before you wear it out!:D

A vote for Bush could help us, even if all it does is Keep JFK-lite out of the Oval Office.

An LP vote, well-l-l-l;)

Sorry Malone,
"We have a genuine American dynasty here with the Bush family. There's never been anything like it in this country."

The Kennedy Dynasty puts the Bush's in the shade. It was likely only Sirhan who kept Bobby out of the Whitehouse, and then there's that bloated alcoholic still in the Senate :barf: .

Pappa Joe was a kingmaker and his boys were bred for office...ALL of 'em!:eek:
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