If you were told you were compelled by law

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"how many, what type, where kept, value, etc "
Several, varies, in the safe, unsure, etc.

Complies with all rules.
Toss it in the trash. The census has no authority over you!

tuckerdog1 said: "I ask this because I recently received a "survey" from the cencus bureau."

The census bureau seems to have forgotten the purpose of the census (ie; to determine the number of representatives apportioned to each state). The last time a census taker came to my door, my wife answered the door and the A-hole census taker blocked the door and refused to move until my wife answered his questions. At this point my wife called me to the door. I informed him that two voting adults live at our residence and asked him to leave. When he refused, I managed to remove him from my doorway with an attempted swift kick to the groin, but he was a young limber kid who simply dodged out of my way, smiled at me, placed his finger on the top of his head, and then did a perfect pirouette and ended with a "Swan Lake" type of ballet movement that ended with his head and right knee on the concrete of my patio as though he were a professional dancer (turns out his WAS a professional dancer - I found out later he was a dance instructor at a local city college). I watched as he intentionally scuffed his knee on the pavement enough to draw a tiny bit of blood. He then grabbed his cell phone, walked out to the street, called the cops, and filed a complaint against me for assault even though I'd never physically touched him (although I did try). He never showed up at the hearing and the case was dismissed. I should point out that I'm old, disabled, and weak, with brittle bones because of my psoriatic arthritis (it's a serious form of inflammatory arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis), and there is NO WAY I could have put up much of a fight against this healthy young kid in his prime, but I was not and will not ever tolerate being bullied by some jerk hiding behind BS bureaucratic credentials. As long as you're willing to stand up for yourself and your rights regardless of the outcome (ie; death), NO ONE can force you to do anything you don't want to do regardless of what the law says. One of the advantages of being old is that I'm less afraid of death than when I was young. The inevitably of it comes closer with each passing day, and I'd much rather die quickly from a gunshot wound than from something like cancer, so I tend to put up with much less than I might have as a young man.
RKBA, why not simply slam the door on him, and then call the cops yourself and have him arrested for home invasion?

If he dodges from the door, good for him. If not, the marks are proof he was entering your home, and you had to attempted to close him out.
BIGBAD has it right. Similar to a summons to jury duty, if it doesn't come by registered mail, they can't prove you got it. (Got that advice from a real lawyer once).

SomeKid: I couldn't slam the door because he had his foot wedged in the doorway, just like the ole timey unethical salespeople were known for doing - thus the phrase "get your foot in the door." I stomped on his foot as hard as I could but I was only wearing socks so he just laughed at me. Even slamming the door against his foot had no effect on him. In retrospect I probably should have called the police myself at that time because my wife was a witness to all this. I guess it was just his arrogant mocking attitude that made me lose my temper. Even if I had called the police though, whose side do you think they would be on? One of the cops even said to me that the census taker was just "doing his job." If the census taker's job is to harass people who just want to be left alone then I have no respect for him, or for the law anymore for that matter. I would guesstimate that 99% of the "laws" on the books are void because the Constitution does not authorize the Congress to enact such laws. I would hate to be a "good" cop these days - torn between my desire to keep my job and help people while respecting the restrictions upon government imposed by the Constitution, and on the other hand being required to enforce unconscionable laws.

I'm hoping that the good side to the oncoming economic depression (and probably the only good thing) will be making government bureaucrats more humble, because there are going to be a great many very angry people soon and very few tax revenues for the government to spend.

Is it not possible to "Reply with Quote" to individual posts on this forum, or am I missing something??? Thanks.
I wonder how many of us really don't remember ever seeing that package? File 13.
This certainly has been discussed before here. IIRC, the consensus was that, in the absence of delivery confirmation for the survey form, the .gov has no ability to pursue you for not responding.

"I saw no such survey."
rbernie: The last time I was called for jury duty, all the 100 or so chairs in the "waiting room" all faced a large office with huge boldfaced lettering titled "Non-compliance Division" or words to that effect. I asked about it and was told the responsibility of that division was to deal with people who fail to respond to a jury summons.

They don't seem to be doing a very good job however, because I must have tossed dozens of jury summonses into the trash over the years before I retired and finally decided to exercise my rights in the "Jury Box" in hopes of avoiding the cartridge box. After seeing how little respect jurors get and being treated like cattle however, I am no longer so sanguine about jury service.
rkba said:
Is it not possible to "Reply with Quote" to individual posts on this forum, or am I missing something??? Thanks.
I manually jab mine in. the format is
{quote="name you are quoting"}text goes here{/quote}
replace the { } with [ ] and you are good to go.
RKBA, if I recall correctly, the "reply with quote" button was disabled because the forum admins didn't want people quoting whole long posts, only to put "+1" or something like that. I just copy the stuff I want to quote, and paste it into my message.
On this census thing, My suggestion is simply to answer the # of people question and any other questions you feel comfortable answering. If you don't want to answer a question, leave it blank. Send it in. If you answer the basic questions, I have my doubts that they would go to the trouble trying to send someone out. Hard to say I guess.
Also, your elected officials want all this information so they know who they have to get votes from at election time and they know how to gerrymander the districts. I doubt their motives are any more complicated than that.
The main question in the first post has folks saying things for permanent record on the Internet that most likely were better left unsaid.

An opinion poll about whether or not you'd obey a law? Duh?
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