More federal shenanigans coming our way.

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have never sent in a census form..
they send someone out to the house to inquire why

...Hi, Mr. Wolf?..

No.."they" are not here. Im a professional house sitter.

They ask several more questions..

what is the name of the company you work for, i have to verify that information..

its a private company .. i was told not to give out its name

do you know where Mr Wolf went, how long he will be away?

i have no idea..that is all confidential info the company has and i have no access to it. I get an address..and a key and the last name of the could be one person or a family..i dont know .. they dont tell me any other details.. leave me your card and ill submit it to the company.

yes they are persistent and on the verge of pushy..looking past me trying to see into the house..this is when i go outside and close the door..the pushy things stops..he/she/they give me their card and i go back inside

a week or so passes and they try it again..perhaps a different person this time "a supervisor" with a bit of a bite...informing me of penalties or even jail time for defrauding the govt etc...we play for a bit..i repeat my script..word for word and the "guy" knows he cant do a dame thing about it..finally leaves in fustration..knowing full well..he is looking at wolf but cant prove it.

its a fun game for me..too bad it only happens once every 10 yrs

The nifty thing is that I have a job that required me to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. So, if I explain certain aspects of my job, I get in trouble. If I don't, I apparently also get in trouble. Lovely.
I haven't filled out a sinlge form. It's always the same guy. He travels here from two hours away. He knocks, they send letters of intention and/or explanation, and I get these phone calls.

I haven't had to correct any of his questions. What I mean by that is it's more of a verification process. He tells me about myself, I grunt in the affirmative, and he pecks at his laptop. He's expert at supplying his own answers.

If it's only supposed to be once every ten years then I've had a lifetime's worth over past several months. They were playing mission creep with me. I felt it was coming and now since the election here it is in all it's glory. He has not asked to come in and he's apparently wise enough to stay friendly and not try threats. I'm full up on government threats after having raised three kids so I continue to tolerate him but he knows he is at the end of the line when it comes to getting any personal info out of me.
The Constitution directs the feds to enumerate citizens, hence there is an implied ligitimate requirement for all citizens to answer "how many people live at address XYZ" every 10 years.

Beyond that, they need a search warrant. As stated before: as for any other questions they threaten you with, exercising the 4th and 5th and remaining silent sans search warrant or subpena is legitimate ... but GIVING FALSE ANSWERS IS A CRIME.
I don't care if they take a census. It's ok for them to know how many people, ages and sexes live at a certain address. Anything much beyond that is not their business, and other information is certainly not for sale to corporations for marketing purposes.
In researching family history I've found prior census records from the 1800s to be very handy.

Its too bad that the govt has gone overboard on census info; so many people put false or misleading info on their census forms, or simply fail to participate at all, that I suspect future generations are SOL with respect to researching genealogy.
In researching family history I've found prior census records from the 1800s to be very handy.

Its too bad that the govt has gone overboard on census info; so many people put false or misleading info on their census forms, or simply fail to participate at all, that I suspect future generations are SOL with respect to researching genealogy.

So have I. However, in reviewing so genealogy software once, I looked at some data from the 1870 census. It seems that there was a Mr. Eat Sh1t (name changed slightly to protect Art's grammaw) somewhere in Illinois, IIRC. I would love to have known Mr. Sh1t, and I do believe that he'd have fit in here at THR quite well.
I dunno. I figure once you've had to go through the process of filling out security forms in the military this kind of stuff looses it's scare factor.
I like the idea of "creative" answers to the questions, but I have also been told that "lying" on any federal form is a felony.

so is this thing a done deal or is it something that is yet to be voted on?
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