I'll never forget

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2nd 41

Dec 3, 2007
This date. Election day 11-4-1980. 6pm. Was closing my shop....going to vote. 2 guys come in and hold me up. Spent most of the night in the police station going through Mug Shot books trying to ID the bandits. I never stop thinking about it.
So anyway, here I am 28 years later to that day. I have decent gun collection, made a lot of good friends at local ranges. NRA member in good standing.
I feel good. Life is good. Frank 61yo
In 1996, I was a Cpl in Guantanamo bay Cuba, and was alowed to vote by Abbsentee balot for the first time. I voted for Bob Dole, and was horrified when Slick Willie was re-elected. I'd been refused a Abbsentee balot in '92, due to the useless excuse for a voting Officer we had hadn't submitted the paper work properly. Imagine my horror in 2000 when I found out how rarely Absentee ballots even get counted.
Did they ever catch the guys who did it?
Yes. Was 2 guys. Second one walked in after the 1st guys gun came out. They wanted merchandise. They took my wallet. Told me not to call the Police...they know where I live and will come after me. They did get caught. After after a year of the Criminal Justice system ala Phila courts one guy got 10 years probation.(he confessed) The other not guilty by jury. He had a slick defender. I believe armed robbery in Phila calls for a 5 year mandatory jail sentence. So much for laws huh?
After the trial I bought my first gun knowing these clowns were still around. I concealed a Chiefs Special for 25 years since then. Closed the business a few years ago. Nothing came out of it.

Robberies Cause Guns. In 1981 I bought the gun and joined a local range to learn safety how to shoot. I enjoyed a place to use a firearm legally and safely. I also enjoyed 1911's and 22LR target pistols. Bought quite a few.I just wish the prices still reflected the early 80's.
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Sorry that happened to you my friend, on Election Day; whats supposed
to be celebrated as a citizens right to defend themselves by electing
proper government officals. If your local PD is like ours, they probably
wrote it off as a dope deal gone bad; and never looked back~! :uhoh: :eek:
This date. Election day 11-4-1980. 6pm. Was closing my shop....going to vote. 2 guys come in and hold me up. Spent most of the night in the police station going through Mug Shot books trying to ID the bandits. I never stop thinking about it.
So anyway, here I am 28 years later to that day. I have decent gun collection, made a lot of good friends at local ranges. NRA member in good standing.
I feel good.
Sounds like God was with you on that day and afterword. Could have been a lot worse.

Yes, robberies DO cause guns (to be purchased) :evil:
Sounds like God was with you on that day and afterword. Could have been a lot worse.
I've been enjoying every breath of air since then. Looking down the barrel with the hammer back shocks a person badly.
sorry for what happened to you on election day 1980.

Nov. 4, 2008 America got held up.
People think they can vote to get largess from the government.
Sorry to hear about that, but glad it didn't turn out worse. Its crap like that that makes me think if professional jurors would be a good idea, that way slick lawyers, dodgy defenses, and emotional pleas won't be as large a factor. Its a shame to think you were robbed three times in 16 years... once at gunpoint and twice by stupidity of another. Crap like this should never happen in this country...
I'm glad you didn't get hurt, and I appreciate your good attitude.

Lots of folks become anti-gun after something like that. The fact you didn't says a lot about you.
This election day, we all got mugged.
I would really enjoy any elected official saying "We need more jails. We need to enforce the current laws. We need to get every Piece of **** off of the streets". Enough is enough.
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