I'll never give up my guns.

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Following on that comment about the Brits speaking German ... remember, Piers:

That you BRITISH SUBJECTS had to come, HAT IN HAND, to UNITED STATES CITIZENS ... not just once, but TWICE ... got that TWICE! You had to PLEAD and BEG that we FREE CITIZENS send you/lend you OUR PRIVATE FIREARMS in order for YOU to keep the BOSCH first and the NAZIS second from becoming your new LORDS and MASTERS.

And with that bit of history as a reminder, Piers, you have the unmitigated gaul to sit there and lecture ME about what kind of firearms I should be able to buy and own? As an Infantry Combat Veteran, I find that your smug attitude is beyond offensive! Why not just go home!:cuss:
The police in my area are very unhappy about all this talk of gun bans. I know many of them personally and they would not be willing to confiscate guns from law-abiding citizens. If it ever came to that, I would give up what I had to, and there are ways to hide whatever is needed to survive.
they dont have to "take'em away", just ban them.

you keep your guns, use one in self defense and while youre cleared because of a righteous shoot, you will do your 10 years for possesstion of an banned firearm.

same as folks in new jerseystan, they cant carry a firearm for protection, if they do and use it in a righteous shoot, they will get hammered not on the shooting but on carrying a concealed handgun violation.

on a further note, why even listen to that guy? the fact that he is here in a semi free country instead of over there is proof enough that england sucks. i mean why go to a foreign land to make a living if you can do better in your own, unless you simply cant.

ask the limey how much of his money would he keep if it was taxed under the english system instead of the American system.
If you walk down the streets of New York City everyday, it's not hard for those folks to support a ban on assault weapons. The closest they come to any resemblance of country is Central Park.
But tell that to a rancher in Texas who has a serious problem with wild hogs.
That's why New Yorkers need to stay out of gun control that will effect both Texas and places like Montana. What works for them won't work for Montana.
Folks it's time to put your money where your mouth is. Send money to the Nraila.org. Instead of buying a six pack and crying in your beer over whether they'll take your gun away, send the money to the NRA-ILA.
Just my two cents worth.

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I bet push comes to shove, unlikely in my opinion, we will all turn them in. Some may do the pvc pipe and post hole digger and bury them but most of us with spouses and children will line up with the sheep.

I'd love to thump my chest and say from my cold dead hands, but deep down...

Best bet - fight like hell to avoid, get those letters to the editor out there get some momentum behind the NRA's plan - let them fight our bill
I believe we should own what we want because we can but the bottom line for me is if I have a group of trained professionals in my yard my single modern sporting rifle doesn't really have much more value to me than my 30-30.
"I'll never give up my guns!!"......Yes you will. Waco/Ruby Ridge ring any bells. Sorry, but there won't be a meeting on the Green. Won't happen. 10,000 years from now thousands of PVC tubes will be dicovered, with half decayed rifles in them.
I understand what you are all saying,,,BUT...you are posting some very serious thoughts online in a public arena. If worse ever comes to worse,,,you can be found very easily.
Its easy to post bluster.

What do you plan for when this happens?


The same question could be asked of the other side. You're looking the issue with the assumption that people would sit around waiting on their duffs to be surrounded and woefully outnumbered.

Most, undoubtedly, would sit around and wait. But that may not prove to be the case for everyone.

Never underestimate the crazy. They steal tanks and stuff. :)

You're worried about being on FedGov's radar while posting on a firearms site......really. Are you an NRA, GOA, SAF, etc. member? Do you go to other firearms or liberty based web sites? Guess what bubba..... they know who you are already.
The swat team picture...
Third man from the right, the first man standing,
is the slide locked back on his pistol?
By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood,
And fired the shot heard round the world.

The foe long since in silence slept;
Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;
And Time the ruined bridge has swept
Down the dark stream which seaward creeps.

On this green bank, by this soft stream,
We set to-day a votive stone;
That memory may their deed redeem,
When, like our sires, our sons are gone.

Spirit, that made those spirits dare,
To die, and leave their children free,

Bid Time and Nature gently spare
The shaft we raise to them and thee.

Doing what they are doing at THIS time, with THESE social and economic conditions, is extremely dangerous.

Once the right to keep and bear arms is sufficiently extinguished, all future generations are exposed to tyranny. The final check and balance in the constitution would be gone forever.

They're stoking a fire that's best left to slumber.
He doesn't need a round in the chamber to kill.....he's Tactical with a Special Weapon. He's getting ready to remove the slide and beat the perp to death with it.
Everyone says it, but when they outlawed lots of guns in California, the Californians didn't care. When they outlawed guns in the UK and Australia, no one cared. Well they didn't care enough to fight anyway.
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