Illinois Firearm Deer Season opened today

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Don't ALL deer live there since it's an anti-gun state? It's a deer gun-free zone!
If you really want a deer without all the hassle of a firearm or bow just drive up and down the Interstates or farm roads, I guarantee you will get one if you plan your timing well!:D

I went out this morning from about 6:30 to 10:30.
Passed up a spike buck just starting to show his second set of tines and two does.
Will try again later today.
Yes, got my first deer, ten pointer on late Friday afternoon, 258lbs. dressed.

I used a Remington 870 12ga. with a Breneke K.O. Rifled Slug, 3" mag.
Yes, got my first deer, ten pointer on late Friday afternoon, 258lbs. dressed.
People like you start rumors like this about Illinois deer and you get those non-residents and urbanites all excited about hunting here. Be honest. There are only a few scrawny and sickly deer in Illinois, hardly worth the trouble. Folks should go to Iowa and Missouri if they want good whitetail deer.;) I've got 2 Illinois deer in my chest freezer and I can still shut the lid.
Actually, keep talking about the HUGE Illinois bucks! We could use a few less FIB's here in Wisconsin! (Friendly Illinois Buddies;))
I have never had anyone exaggerate the deer sizes as several people from Illinois I have run across in the past. One guy told me that the average size does they shot were 200 lbs dressed and he could get 120 lbs of meat off of them. I chalked that one up to someone who a) had never weighed a deer before, and b) had never butchered one.

And yes, .45, they were referred to as FIB's up in the homeland for more reasons than one.
I just had three guys I know get home from a weekend trip to Illinois, They all got there bucks. They scored, 131, 139 and 141. All big deer.

As for taking a 200lb deer and getting 120lbs of meet is just BS, at least for a whitetail. I have done some volunteering at my local butcher the last few years, except this year, and in my experience you might get a little over half the weight back in meat, not 20lbs.
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