Imagine a world without guns

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Aug 18, 2005
I have.
Now imagine yourself in your home with your family and two criminals break in one with a baseball bat and the other with a machete.
Now imagine you and your family beaten and hacked to pieces.
Now imagine our law makers saying what a terrible crime this was and that we need to pass legislation banning clubs and knives, while they rest peacefully with their armed security.
dont imagine just go to mexico

only cirminals and police have guns, the problem is police are the criminals
How many "common people" who have been robbed, mugged, raped, beaten, etc. because they had no firearm to use in their own defense are anti-gun?

A world without guns is a child's fantasy (one of the Obama-exploited waifs expressed this fantasy explicitly).

I'm flabbergasted that legislators can see children slaughtered at an elementary school and conclude that the proper corrective action to shift the advantage from the bad guys who will always have guns to good guys in our schools who don't have guns is to take guns away from people who had no role in the shooting.
Imagine following the posted rules for Activism and presenting a plan of action that people can put to work to defend our right to keep and bear arms. :rolleyes:
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