Improving Shotgun Speed and Endurance 101

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Dec 25, 2002
No Place Like Home
Dave and I have been chatting offline about improving shotgunning for individuals with back pain.

Though I didnt come up with a solution to make it easier for shooters with backpain to shoot SGs........

I did come up with another little pearl.

Since I am a newbie to SGing I wanted to bust as many clays as I could. Dave had suggested posting the SG every night to get in the grove.

I wanted to train in a manner were picking up that 870 was fast and effiecent.

When working with people who have pain we perform what we call "Functional Rehab".

This type of rehab has the patient perform exercies that are eqivelent to what they would be doing on the job. Say they have to bend all the time, we would have them bend forward and pick up a box say 20-30 times with a light weight in the box and slowly increase the amount of weight. IF they require alot of twisting we teach them to twist first with no weight, then we add resistance.

Not everyone is stable enough to do those exercises when they first start. So we give them exercise bands.

Now from watching guys on the range shoot, the more expericence guys have the muzzle aimed down before they say pull. I have noticed that the rookies have the guns pointed in the direction of were the clays would be coming out of and follow them. Well say I was bird hunting the muzzle of the gun would most likely be aimed down until I saw the bird......

Well in order to make the "draw" quicker I decided to pull out the shotgun last night with a little added resitance. The use of an exercise band.

We use these bands at work to help strengthen people after an injury. They come in various different colors and resistance.

So what I did was wrap one end of the tubing around the shotgun, and steped on the other end of the tube. I then "drew" the shotgun (which I double checked to make sure it was not loaded!!!!) and worked on my swing. There is resistance from the thera-band in all ranges of motion. From the draw to the swing.

I feel that practicing with this technique would help the rookie or the veteran increase his/her speed when the first clay is thrown to the draw.

Bottom Line

The theraband allows the shotgunner to move in all ranges of motion with the wieght of his shotgun and added resistance. When the resistance is gone the shotgunner has more speed and stamina. The bands also help build the muscles needed to keep the SG steady.

The theraband can be wrapped around you hands while you hold the forearm, or for those of us who have a "tactical sling" mount at the end of the mag tube, you can also wrap the tubing around the mount.

Let me know what you formites think. Its a great idea and if more people try this we can try and improve on our mount and swing techniques.

Shoot Safe.

How about if you tied the band on the front door knob and around your waist; then every night you could practice hoisting your range bag and walking towards the truck. That way on match day you could make a strong and clean break for the range without having your wife hold you back.
Your wife is going to catch on and soon your going to be missing alot of doornobs. :)

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Lift weights.

Get to the point where you can bench 3 plates+ (315lbs) for reps.

Makes my Winchester loaded with 20 shells of buck and slugs (8 in the gun 6 each on side saddle and butt cuff) feel lighter than the break open sigle shot air rifle I had as a kid...

Eat red meat.
Wear sunscreen.

Good thread, and thanks for posting this,45R.
A coupla things...

The therabands will speed up the improvement in tone AND handling regular mounting reps wiil do.

For those times when handling your shotgun is precluded for some reason, I suggest lots of curls and lifts with light weights. I use 8 lb weights in sets of 50. Start with sets of 10 and 5 lb weights and work up slowly.

Still, practice with your shotgun is best.
Lift weights. Get to the point where you can bench 3 plates+ (315lbs) for reps.

Makes my Winchester loaded with 20 shells of buck and slugs (8 in the gun 6 each on side saddle and butt cuff) feel lighter than the break open sigle shot air rifle I had as a kid...


Working the bench is great for building the chest, biceps and triceps which is great for holding the shotgun and managing the recoil. 315lbs is pretty impressive.

But your not doing anything for the swing. :) Gotta work the internal and external obliques (ab muscles).



Forget the speed and endurance...I want to know if I order the yellow one like in the above link does the brunette in purple come with it? :D

Ok, I mount and swing the darn shotgun. I do this to mimic stages and hunting sceneiros. 100 at min, been crazy do 1k in a day. I use weights on arms and/or gun. I tape targets up to simulate swing through.

I don't own any weights, but I do lug a backpack with books.That has to account for something...they charge by the # for these things-I think.

The rep of motion using a broom stick, and rotation (@@) does wonders. Add a pc of rope tied to stick, sock to hold a potato, soup can ... helps. Handguns too.

HS/LD, sheesh, Ok my excuse, I inherited the lanky gene, gonna stick with it.

( now that the trivial stuff out of the way...)

About that brunette on the web site.....
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