Indexing Meprolight bead

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Aug 10, 2011
Anybody have suggestions or experience on how to index this Meprolight bead on a Maverick 88 18.5 barrel?

I tried to install this today but when the bead is screwed flush to the barrel it is about 200 degrees off. I was thinking either just a drop of red loctite or a small nylon washer to fill the gap when indexed to the proper direction. I'm not sure if just the loctite will be secure enough as there is a fair gap between the bottom of the sight and the barrel.
No experience with a MEP brand shotgun sight.
But generally speaking, you file off the bottom of the sight base with a small fine-cut file until it tightens up pointing the right direction.

Alternately, you can set the sight down in a hole in a steel bench block with a piece of 240 grit black emery paper under it and work it back & forth to sand off some of the flat.

Then you will probaby have to take off some threads inside the barrel that stick through.

A drop of BLUE Loctite on the base & threads before final tightening finishes it.

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