injustice subcom activity

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Feb 27, 2004
Glitter Gulch, LSR
from :

House Bill Activity

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The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security acted today on H.R. 5005, the "Firearms Corrections and Improvements Act"; H.R. 1384, the "Firearm Commerce Modernization Act"; H.R. 1415, the "NICS Improvement Act of 2005". All of the bills were passed to the full House Judiciary Committee without amendment.

Does anyone have a misrep on the injustice committee that will sponsor and ammendment to ditch 922(o) altogether?

Sensellessbeaner (chairthing of the injustice commtttee) is the twit that said 'we aren't here to bash ftroop' :fire: when the subcom was review the debacle/forward tracing/residence bs in August in Richmond VA

here are reptiles giving mercinaries access to weapons denied to US citizens
ie new post 86 machineguns

:cuss: :fire: :what:

I guess the GOP is tired of running congress after only 12 years.

house injusice subcommittee

the house injustice sub com had 'markup' scheduled on three related bills

hr 1384
hr 1415
hr 5005

I attempted to view the web cast and got:

Sorry, the file you have requested could not be found
or has been intentionally disabled by the content owner.

nice really nice,

I sent a copy of "BAFTE fails the test" to the sub com staff and complained about the mercinary re armment section on hr 5005

the bills were passed out without ammendment and I can't even find the webcast of the markup if indeed it took place.

does anyone have a rep on the injustice commitee itself that could try and ammend at least 5005 to ditch section 922(o) instead of cutting an exemption for mercinaries?

You can count out Rep. Bob Ney

I spoke to Chris Cutillio, Senior Staffer for Bob Ney and tried to send him the same video from the JFPO, he blew me off by claiming that security and Capital Police would delay delivery forever. He wouldn't give me an answer as to whether the Representative would co-sponsor, HR 1603. Funny I thought Bob Ney was on our side, I guess not
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