Interesting ammo. Any good?

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Jan 23, 2008
Does this ammo provide any benefit over a standard 00 buck shell for self/home defense?

The old "buck and ball" - it was used in the Revolutionary War, and the Civil War from muskets. The theory was that against massed troops even a miss with the ball would likely get a pellet or two into an enemy. For HD/SD I would use 00 or 000 buckshot. For longer ranges a slug would be more accurate. You might buy a few boxes and pattern them at ranges you may shoot for HD (10, 15 and 20 yards). Please post the results!:D
Probably packs a whollop, but for alot less you can buy alot more 00 buck and practice, practice, practice. That reminds me, I need to go shoot my shotgun some more.
Um......probably not really. Not worse, but I can't see any serious advantage.

I used to drool over trick rounds I saw in catalogs, things like a 1/2 slug/00 buck load, or "bolo" rounds, with two .50" balls connected with a 6" piece of piano wire, flechette rounds, etc. I just decided as I learned more that you can use slugs, or good buckshot, but there's not really a good reason to mix them. (Either in the shell OR in the magazine.)
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