Interesting range outting ....

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Or maybe he forgot to retrieve it. I missed retreiving my target frame once, when I got back to get it the next dat someone had shot it all up. Frankly I would've wished they had stolen it rather than destroying it. Not very high road.
I missed the original post so I don't know what happened but our club has a bunch of steel targets and they have to be put away after every match. If they are left out people will destroy them shooting them with rifles.
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Years ago the local silhouette club built and installed a set of practice targets. They were locked down when not in use and members had a key and could set up for practice. We also used them for sighters during matches. The range was plastered with "No Rifles on Steel" signs. Periodically, some yahoo would cut the locks and blast holes through the targets. Finally got caught and banned for life. Turns out he was a vocal opponent of almost every group that used the range...except his.
I missed the original post so I don't know what happened but our club has a bunch of steel targets and they have to be put away after every match. If they are left out people if destroy them shooting them with rifles.

That's what the first post was about.
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