Introducing the world's smallest gun

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Feb 16, 2008
I thought this was interesting, I would hate to load the thing lol... wonder how they pull the trigger..

Meet the pistol that fits in your pocket - and packs a hell of a punch.

The SwissMiniGun is the size of a key fob but fires tiny 270mph bullets powerful enough to kill at close range.

Officially the world's smallest working revolver, the gun is being marketed as a collector's item and measures just 2.16 inches long (5.5cm). It can fire real 4.53 bullets up to a range of 367ft (112m).

It cannot be imported into the UK, and buyers in Switzerland and Europe must produce an import permit from police to obtain one.

The gun is banned from being imported into the US - because it's barrel is less than three inches, meaning it is deemed too small to qualify for sporting

You should use "SEARCH" at the top right center. This is at least the 2nd duplicate thread with this exact story on a product that is several years old.

Try searching "smallest revolver"
and then try "swiss mini"

and you will find related articles back to 2005.
that ol drudge report sure does work.
I never search this forum but do click new posts everyday I come here to see what is going on.
You should use "SEARCH" at the top right center.

Actually I did use the "SEARCH" before posting .... I suppose the search function sux's here...

story on a product that is several years old.

That may be true, however the article was Last updated at 16:39pm on 5th March 2008
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