Iraqi WMD=US tactical nukes?

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I was told during the first Gulf War by someone in a position to know that nukes are considered obsolete. We can cause the same amount of devastation using conventional weapons without the radiation.
Sure we have them and they are used as a deterent, but from what this guy says, they are outdated technology.

I personally have been troubled by another pc type military action.We believe to win and make believers out of the enemy it takes absolute overwheleming force,& a maniac to unleash that force,where are the flame throwers ,napalm .Where is Mother Green and her killing machine?We dont need nukes rite now we need absolute authority to unlease Hell /that will end this debacle,who ever heard of 8000 troops to search for and fight a whole countryThat goat f%^& operation anaconda last year.those brave men and women put in harms way. I am so tired of hearing the term super power,we look like a bunch of floundering scared idiots to the enemy.I am no graduate of miltary school or strategist ,but I understand Killing,I dont care about what tactics he uses Kill them.I will not get into a rant ,Some people almost hope the enemy uses WMD just to prove a point.Not me,snake and nape by the tons.Bobby& Becky
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