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Dec 24, 2002
halfway there

Does it strike anyone else as ironic that Sadaam Hussein is telling the entire world 'molon labe' when it comes to giving up the weapons that are demanded of him. Whatever you might think of him, the guy has huevos the size of casaba melons to be flippin' off the world like he's been doing. Though I hope we dispatch him to a previously unknown level of the underworld where he will spend eternity smoking dog rockets and watching Janet Reno shower, you just gotta marvel at a guy who is down to his last bullet and ain't even thinking about eating the gun. Discuss among yourselves.
saddam is playing the world as he would a card game.he wants people to argue over should we or shouldnt we,thatll leave him to his own devices and whatever plans he may have.thats his only "ace" an hes counting on peoples sympathy(if you will) to let him pursue his deranged goals.i believe theres alot more "skelatons" in saddams closet than we would think or know of.
I lean towards the insanity theory. I've seen courage, and I don't think Saddam has the real thing. Put him in a mano a mano situation, and he'll fold like a wet tissue.

But he is smart. As was said, playing the world to his own ends.
and watching Janet Reno shower owe me a new keyboard and breakfast after that comment........:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

maybe that Madcap Muslim will get to enjoy all those things, and very soon, too..........
Saddam hasnt realized that he's playing Old Maid when everyone else is playing poker. He'll realize his mistake soon enough.

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