Is it REALLY legal to feed wild animals in the state of North Carolina?

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Jan 22, 2010
I've run into a very dangerous situtation in our area.

We have moved next to people who INSIST on feeding the wild deer, not to hunt, but to be able to view from their deck and backyard, which is completely fenced off, but NOW, we got all these wild BUCKS in our yard too, since we have NO fence whatsoever!

This puts our lives at risk, not only due to the hazards of Lyme Disease, which there are no longer shots for now for humans, but also for our cats, no vaccines for them too! :(

Also, the bucks are not that young, I've seen 10 point bucks at almost noontime, 2 bucks fighting outside our bedroom window at the time we needed to get to work, which was near where we park our vehicle, and even 10 minutes after we went out to the street to get our mail, we saw a wild buck with at least 6 point antlers!
The 2 bucks fighting were seen only about 2 weeks ago, and there was even a wild doe standing right NEXT to them!

How does one keep one's safe? Is there any laws concerning firing off BBguns with city limits, not that that is going to really BE that safe, if you got mating bucks around, but we have to do SOMETHING!

Don't be flaming me on this post! I've got a heart condition, which is only getting worse with all the stress of seeing all this huge wildlife near our home!

I'm definitely in favor of having hunters come and cull these deer but of course, the local government, couldn't care less, even though we're very close to a public park, which kids often go to also!

Even some of the local vets don't even HAVE the Lyme disease shots available, nor will even be willing to put up posters asking people to NOT feed the wild deer, as not only are we at risk of being attacked by wild bucks, but also getting Lyme disease, as are our pets!

I've thought of contacting the CDC cuz obviously this is a health risk, but as is often the case in our area, they have to wait til a tragedy occurs, before they are willing to do ANYTHING!:cuss:

This is SO stupid.. the next door neighbor's relative, who recently moved in with them, is eager to get the ANTLERS off the wild bucks, and so, does NOT care that they are putting our very lives in danger!

I've yet to write them anything, but HAVE asked them to NOT put out any more food for the deers, like the huge piles of corn kernels and apples which they stuck all over their yard.

Of course, the deer, ALSO come into OUR yard, cuz we dont have any sort of fence to keep them at bay!
This is NOT our property, we just lease, and the landlord does NOT seem to give a fig about our safety either, he just claims "it will go away eventually"!

That about low-lifes! I just cannot see HOW people are SO against hunting, when it keeps people safe and free from danger and disease!

Of course, we got alot of "nature lovers" if you want to call them that, but to my mind's eye, when you live off a busy road, and you're inviting deer to come onto your property, within walking distance of a city park, and endangering the motorists and your neighbors also, you're NOT a lover, you're a HATEFUL person, and only thinking of yourself!
How do you find out about the local hunting laws, or firing off a bb gun? I hate to always have to do that every time I step outside, but to NOT to ANYTHING is putting our lives in danger!

Would firing off a airgun.. like you'd use on a boat, those loud things do much to get the deer to stay away? We've tried the wild predator urine, but we get so much rain around here, it would cost a fortune to do it all the time!
if you have enough land and its legal just get a bow tag have every family member who lives in your home get one and fill it you will have tasty meat and your deer problem will be eliminated.

as i saw a comidian on tv a few days ago say deer now thats a problem i can eat.
That's the thing, I am NOT sure it IS legal! We r not in the country, we live inside city limits, which makes it doubly dangerous!

Thanks for the chuckle though, thebigc... yeah.. I'd LOVE to fill our freezer full of venison!
Ever eat venison medallions? There's a restaurant that serves them in town. Delicious.. one of the best meals I've EVER eaten.

What is the best way to prepare venison btw? I'd love to know.. and how do you dress a deer once it's killed?
Ever seen the film "In the Wild", about a young guy who moves to alaska and tries to live off the land, but dies from hunger cuz he did not even know how to dress a moose he killed!
I wonder if I could get a waiver to klll here, seeing as how it's not only a nuisance, it's become a definite hazard to our safety and our lives. Cannot count the number of times we've almost hit a deer just driving into our own driveway!
Can you post photos on here? I took a photo of the buck we saw right after we walked to the street to put out our trash.
Try a blank gun. Or a paintball gun. Both have a very unnerving effect on wildlife.
Most animals wil run from the sound of a gun. If not, hit them with the paintballs, while shooting the blank gun. Most deer are very skittish.
Go to this website This has most of the regs concerning wildlife and the numbers to call as well. Since these folks are not hunting I don't think they could be charged with baiting. Unfortunately, there are other species such as raccoons and black bears that will follow such food sources.
Would firing off a airgun.. like you'd use on a boat

That would be an air HORN, I think- this what you were thinking about?

These work pretty well to keep critters away- but being as it's winter, keeping them from freezing would be a consideration- .

You might want to talk to your town's animal control department and see what they have to say.


I'm sorry but this is not something I can relate to, the fear of deer being fed by a neighbor!
First of all, lyme disease is not carried or transmitted by whitetail deer, it's carried & transmitted by woodticks which(curse mother nature)already exist in abundance in your backyard.
Having lived most of my life in Alaska, Northern Minnesota, & Wisconsin, I can tell you that virtually everyone FEEDS the wildlife! We have a saying up in NW Sconny, place your bird feeder where ever you wish the bear to be:) because sure as sunrise, thats where he's going to be!
You are way, way overreacting sir, more people have been injured or killed by bee stings in the last year then have been injured or killed by deer in all of the past half century....
I live in a very rural area. Nearest neighbor is half a mile away. I occasionally have problems with a couple of feral burros comming by that drive the dogs crazy (a burro can, and will, handily kill a large dog) and like to rub against the outbuildings. I’ve tried to catch them to no avail and none of the local ranch owners/horse lovers want them. Then I remembered the old Webley Tempest pellet pistol I’ve had since a kid. Popping them in the butt is more fun than a whole sack of monkeys and, the burros seem to enjoy it because they dance every time I do it. Before the PETA people have a stroke I need to point out that this particular gun won’t put a pellet through a tin can at fifteen feet. I doubt I’m breaking any hide here but it sure does move ‘em on down the road. It may not really solve you’re problem but it is great fun.
Why don't you quote the whole statement Luigi?
Before the PETA people have a stroke I need to point out that this particular gun won’t put a pellet through a tin can at fifteen feet. I doubt I’m breaking any hide here but it sure does move ‘em on down the road. It may not really solve you’re problem but it is great fun.
I vote use an air rifle, and since you have neighbors close I would get the gamo whisper as its pretty quiet. Start shooting them in the butt and if they insist on hanging around move up to a 22 mag and aim for the eyeball:D Problem solved
"So you enjoy inflicting pain on animals W/ minimal gain? "

The GAIN is that it makes the burros leave the area. I’ve tried several avenues to get these animals removed to a new home to no avail. Burros really have no economic value and, with the cost of hay being what it is, they are actually a liability. I contacted the sheriff’s department (that’s who deals with loose stock in this county) and their solution was basically that they’d come out and shoot them. Told them I could do that myself; not really a solution. So my options boil down to shooting them, harmlessly popping them in the butt occasionally, or leaving things alone and let them destroy my property and possibly kill my dogs. I don’t know, what would you do?
I vote use an air rifle, and since you have neighbors close I would get the gamo whisper as its pretty quiet.
Most air pistols don't have enough power to embed the pellet in Bambi's backside. An awful lot of spring piston air rifles do, and you'll be inflicting actual injury. I'd vote for either an air pistol (like the aforementioned Webley) or a pump-up pneumatic air rifle - you can start with just a couple of pumps (low power) and gradually work your way up.

Noise isn't a factor in most urban environments so long as you shoot from inside the house through an open window, with the muzzle 4 or 5 feet back from the opening.

Since you live in the city, presumably with neighbors all around, you MUST be aware of what's beyond and around your target - be careful!!
This is the only part I take exception too

It may not really solve you’re problem but it is great fun.

This indicates that the poster enjoys inflicting pain
This indicates that the poster enjoys inflicting pain

If that were the case I imagine the poster would gut shoot them and watch them take a day or two to die. He is just trying to chase them off without injuring them.

You must have never been kicked or bitten by a donkey, mule, horse or burro. Otherwise you'd see the humor :D
You must have never been kicked or bitten by a donkey, mule, horse or burro.

No I haven't

Again , I only take exception to the "I enjoyed it statement".

I wouldn't even necessarily object to putting the animals down humanely if no other avenue of dealing W/ the problem existed.
I also wear leather , eat meat and keep domestic dogs in subjection by giving them 3hots and a cot and free medical for their entire life (ingrid Newkirk must hate me)
there are various makes of deer repellent made that would keep them out of your area if applied correctly.
my .02 is put 'em in the freezer - in season of course. and be licensed, don't sweat the city limits thing, a .22LR std velocity won't provoke a response. stick it in their ear. be ready for a follow-up shot if needed.
Oh good grief. You can' see the humor in making a burro kick up his heels, bray a lot, and run around a bit, you just don't have a sense of humor.

He's stinging them. Not crippling them for life. :rolleyes:
Obviously you cannot relate to it, and you are WRONG.. whitetail deer DO carry Lyme Disease as do most deer!

Obviously you are NOT concerned but then it's not YOUR life at stake! It's OURS.. so bug off!!
Oh, boo hoo.. you are So concerned someone wants to hurt or injure a "poor, defenseless" animal on a HUNTING SITE!!!

ROTFLOL.. that's like bring a pound of baked ham to a house full of vegetarians..
Go cry in your beer somewhere else please!
These animals are putting our LIVES in danger.. There's narrow narrow, windy twisty roads we must drive on to get home and the whole area is FULL of deer.

And YES< there are ALSO bears in the area too! I just had a neighbor up the street tell me how there was a mama bear hopping from fenced yard into another fenced yard, looking for food!
Geez. we got ENUF woods around here... mountains even. You'd THINK they'd find SOMEWHERE to get some food given the wild terrain we live near!
I DO think that much of the recently seen wildlife is BECAUSE there are DOPES that feed the wild animals, thinking they are so CUTE, not just for hunting!

One thing to feed animals to put on your plate, another to feed them and put your WHOLE neighborhood in danger!
And tell me Luigi, how'd you think YOU'D feel if you were caught outside with no weapon or anything by yourself and had to confront a 10 point buck during mating season??
Cuz they DO get aggressive at that time, & apparently in THIS area, they are STILL mating, just saw 2 bucks fightin over a doe only 2 weeks ago!
Oh good grief. You can' see the humor in making a burro kick up his heels, bray a lot, and run around a bit, you just don't have a sense of humor.

I've expressed my opinion and I don't want to hijack the thread
File a formal complaint with the city's animal control unit as well as the state game warden. You could also make a list of those feeding the deer and go the civil court route. You could get a cease and desist order from the court sighting dangerous conditions and property damage. You may also be able to file suit against them for property damage and creating an unsafe condition to the area. If they have to pay several thousands of dollars for the property damage their insurance companies may refuse to cover the cost which then comes out of their pockets.

Here in central Virginia we have deer that live in the "green spaces" the city has set up. They don't feed them but with so little wild space for them they migrate to those places that match the wild. They don't seem to cause any damage yet because there are few of them. A few months ago my wife and I saw 2 does in our backyard at 1:30 AM. They just walked around and hopped over the fence and went into the woods between my house and a group of businesses.
Continuous 'baiting' can cause problems, specifically with TB. Michigan has a problem with TB in the wild deer herds because people baited and fed deer all year long. If it is a very big concern, you could get some human hair (I know it is gross) and spread that around. You can normally get it at a barber shop. It wouldn't take much to keep the deer off your property. This was how I delt with people who hunted our property without permission. Most cities don't allow you to shoot an airgun or pellet gun in city limits. Not to mention you are just maiming the deer. I am all for hunting, but wounding an animal is not right. In an earlier post, someone mentioned a paintball gun. That will definately get their (the deers) attention. Check your local laws to find out if paintballs can be used in the city.
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