Is John Kerry Fit to be President?

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Apr 7, 2004
John Kerry is a coward.

He slandered me (and every other RVN combat vet), and I want not just an apology, I want satisfaction.

Do you hear me, Kerry? What kind of woman raised a slime bag like you! She must have had much in common wityh Jane Fonda, that commie, traitor b*tch.
Be honest.

John Kerry has a better resume than GWB did at this time in the election process.

Kerry has experience, actually served his country unlike GWB and will bring true healthcare reforms.

On guns, yes Kerry is a dove, but then again GWB said on record he would sign the AWB if it came to him in its present form.

I tend to think all politician have a narcissistic personality disorder and should not be trusted, unfortunately you have to be a millionaire, or marry a millionaire, to get anywhere in politics these days.
actually served his country unlike GWB
I'd bet there are several hundred thousand National Guard members and veterans that would take offense of that statement.

and will bring true healthcare reforms.
:rolleyes: Yea, sure. He can create a health care task force led by Senator Hillary.
On guns, yes Kerry is a dove, but then again GWB said on record he would sign the AWB if it came to him in its present form.

Someone who is so anti-gun that they vote to ban most centerfire rifle ammunition is just a dove?

Holy moly, man.
John Kerry is a major case study at best (psychologically speaking). “ Well I voted for it then I changed my mind.†One of the things my step-father taught me was you keep your word. If you say your going to do something, do it. I have absolutely no respect for a man who can’t keep his word.:rolleyes:
The police officers who put their lives on the line every day should not be outgunned by criminals armed with weapons of war. We need to stand with them – and stand up to the NRA. I’ve done that throughout my career – and I’ll do it again as President.

Kerry unfit for office? be the judge...;)

I may not like President Bush, but at least he has the sense not to mention gun control on his campaign site. Of course, he doesn't mention gun rights, either. :rolleyes:
Good points. I for one find GWB lacking. Kerry did serve his country - unlike Bush. And being a member of the USAR, I take no offense at that statement. He had daddy get him into a convenient Air Guard unit flying planes that could SPECIFICALLY not be used for any reasonable purpose in Vietnam (the Delta series were bomber interceptors - NVA's didn't have many strategic bombers).

However, Kerry does not excite me that much. He is uninspiring and somewhat dull. But, we can only go up from GWB who has sunk our nation's prestige and world standing lower than it has been in years. Bush's honesty and integrity also makes Clinton look like Mother Theresa.
Bush's honesty and integrity also makes Clinton look like Mother Theresa.
You have got to be kidding. Mr. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky....." is more honest than Bush???
sunk our nation's prestige and world standing lower than it has been in years.
I personally don't care what the rest of the world thinks of the United States. I approve of his attacks against Afghanistan and Iraq. If Clinton had taken decisive action, the twin towers of the World Trade Center would still be standing.
I've never met the man alive who would come clean immediately about marital infidelity. I don't think I would.

Clinton's dishonesty concerned some hanky panky in the oval office.

GWB's dishonesty (Iraq has massive stocks of WMD, they tried to buy Uranium from Niger, etc...) sent our nation to war and led to the death of too many good young men. That is much worse than sexual indiscretion and the following guilty dishonesty.
Got this from the Federalist;

(Please forward this invitation to friends, family members, and fellow
American Patriots.)

Please join us by calling on Senator John F. Kerry to resign his seat in
the U.S. Senate.

John Kerry has a long and well-documented history of providing "aid and
comfort" to the enemy in time of war -- particularly in the case of North
Vietnam. Kerry. By his own account, Kerry violated the UCMJ, the Geneva
Conventions and the U.S. Code while serving as a Navy officer, and he
further stands in violation of Article three, Section three of the U.S.
Constitution which defines treason as "giving aid and comfort" to the enemy
in time of warfare.

Thus, in accordance with the Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment, Section
3, which states, "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in
Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President ... having previously
taken an oath ... to support the Constitution of the United States, [who
has] engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or
comfort to the enemies thereof," We, the People of the United States,
demand that Kerry resign his seat in the Senate.

Please join fellow Patriots and sign the petition demanding John Kerry's
resignation. Link to --

Iraq HAD WMDs. Ask the thousands of Kurds who died from exposure to nerve agents and blister gas.

The operating assumption of Clinton, Bush, and most major intelligence agencies was that Saddam had WMDs, had the intent and the capabilities to restart his programs, and had the contacts to deploy them via terror networks.

It is possible that Saddam, knowing that the administration was basing OIF around the presence of WMDs, would want to deny proof to George Bush?

Is it possible that Saddam had the opportunity to move his WMDs to other countries?

Is it possible that a nation the size of California, occupied by 100,000 American troops, could harbor WMDs?

Of course, it's easier to stay inside your little cocoon and shriek "Bush LIED!"

Our intelligence is flawed. The people who make decisions are human, and will never be able to put together the entire picture. You want absolute perfection out of the war makers, and history shows that it's a lethal pipe dream to wait for all the bits to fall into place.

That's the problem with the Michael Moore Left. You guys are so freaking obsessed with the past, you don't offer any useful criticism of the war, and worse, you're unable and unwilling to offer a practical alternative.

You'll hoist any flag, ally with any enemy, use every slur and destroy everything in your path for one thing:


And you'll damn the free world to an enternity in the darkness.

[/rant off]
So, I guess it was honest when the Clinton admin was saying the same thing about Hussein's WMDs, Atomos_Wizard? Just not when the Bush admin was saying it?

Kerry's stance on guns and Hitlery's 'we will take things away from you for the common good' speech are enough reason to hold your nose and vote for Bush, or if you are in a state that will go to Bush by landslide anyway (like Texas), vote Libertarian. :barf:
I'm not saying he never had them or that he didn't use them (at our prompting after all). I am saying is that the threat was completely misrepresented. There were no stockpiles and probably hadn't been any since 1998. He was also not attempting to restart his nuclear program as was intimated. This war was fought on false premises, and did not need to happen.

This is just one of the reasons Bush needs to go.
Well, guess what - we're there. We have a base for future operations against Iran and Syria. You can argue that it's part of the greater plan, or a happy coincidence, but it gives future presidents far more latitude in that region.

The logistical challenges of invading from Saudi or Kuwait are gone. I'd expect that we'd have at least a corps-sized element based in Iraq full-time (1 tank division, 2 mech infantry divisions, an airborne/airmobile brigade) and 3-4 fighter wings. We can respond quickly to evolving situations in the region, instead of waiting for our equipment to transit from CONUS.

Iraq is attracting all sorts of Jihadists from across the Middle East, and that forces Al-Qaeda to divert manpower, intel and money from other operations. The manpower losses are devastating, considering that each operative costs money and time to train. As experienced individuals are captured or killed, Al-Qaeda will have to use the benchwarmers and risk exposing their network.

Right now, both Syria and Iran are flooding Iraq with cash and guerillas in order to destabilize the new government. That tells me that the leaders are very scared of the idea of a representative Iraq - and the mullahs are already fighting a revolution at home.

If Kerry and his minions want to argue about the past (hell, I think all of them are reliving their misguided youth as 60s radicals), they're welcome to it.

It would be nice if they focused on the future for once.
"Good points. I for one find GWB lacking. Kerry did serve his country - unlike Bush."

I am curious about whether you believe that flying the F-102 was a walk in the park?

I have a number of airforce pilot friends who are fellow flight instructors, who I consider to be very skilled and experienced pilots, who flew many of the century series, that get a very jaundiced look in their eye, when the F-102 is mentioned.

Might I also mention that there was this small event called the Cold War going on, and that F-102 were supposed to intercept Soviet high speed bombers.

If Bush was a coward, why go and fly F-102's? Why not be a trash hauler, flying B-52's? How many of those were shot down over Vietnam? How about transports? Navy Ships?

I just don't get where people think that flying jets is some risk free enterprise wherein Bush was just crusing around playing silly buggers while flying those jets. I have searched to find accident stats on the Century series, but they are not available. I bet the numbers would curl your toes.

I don't have official statistics either. However, my godfather was an AF fighter pilot who, among other things, trained german pilots to fly the F-104. IICR, the fatality rate -- in peacetime -- was 10%. :what:
There were no stockpiles and probably hadn't been any since 1998. He was also not attempting to restart his nuclear program as was intimated. This war was fought on false premises, and did not need to happen.
If Iraq had no WMD or programs trying to develop them, why was Saddam so dead set against UN inspectors? Please don't attempt to use the argument that he was trying to "save face" or show his citizens he was standing up to the evil US. Since he controlled the press in Iraq, the people only knew what he wanted to them to know.
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