Is there a "Gun Club" at your high school?

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Feb 28, 2006
Snack Capital of the US
I am happy to tell you that we have a gun clun at our high school. A science teachers is the advisor. (I have offered my help) The club owns and keeps firarms at a nearby shooting club.

Members practice and compete in small bore rifle targets as well as in shotgun trap and skeet. About 35 kids in grades 7 -12 make up the membership.

I know of what other school about 1 hour away that also has a club.

A LOT of our students own their own guns!

Are there any in your neck of the woods!
I tried, and hard to start one when I was in High School, but no. I didn't manage. I had 19 students and most of their parents behind me with firm interest, but political correctness won out.
Same. Had an informal one but they wouldn't even acknowledge us as far as official things went, yearbook and the like. Then after the Columbine thing we weren't allowed to have meetings on school property.
We didn't have a gun club, but we had a Hunter's Education class that was available. (We called it "Shotgun Ed.") Not bad for a Canadian high school, eh? :cool:

Course it's been almost 20 years since high school for me... :eek:
I'm long past high school, and my kids are homeschooled, but I know that at least two of the local high schools have rifle teams. I don't know if they are clubs or not, but they are sports teams at least partially funded by the public schools.

There is actually a range in the basement of a building in our high school complex. The pistol club and the police department shoot there regularly. I dont think many people actually realize that........
My school has a trapshooting team. I want to join if I can get a break from work. One of my teachers is the coach. He said the one at my school is the only one in California.
While I was in AFJROTC I attempted to get a shooting team for our unit. It wasn't until last year that they were able to get approved. La Cueva, West Mesa, El Dorado HS in Albuquerque have some kick a$$ competition shooters. Jr. Olympic grade shooters.
i wish i had a gun club at my school it would give me a diff reason to go to school besides freinds
me a diff reason to go to school besides freinds

Well I've seen your last few posts and grammar and spelling sure aren't jumping to the top of the list of reasons you are there either.......

If you want to be taken seriously here you'll need to try to work on those things, otherwise you don't come across as particularly serious or interesting.
Here in Massachusetts, we're lucky we can even have guns, let alone a gun team :what:

That said, the junior rifle coach at my club is actually talking about starting a high school team in the town next to me. I'll be curious to see how that pans out.
when I was in high school there was a rifle range in the basement. I think there was about 10 remington target rifles which were on "loan" from the army. we had postal matches with others schools. this was in the late 60's
In HS we counted ourselves lucky that we had a teacher who would wink and ignore it when he found the evidence that we had been playing paintball in the wooded "back 40"...
high school gun club

I live in nothern California in a small town. Our local school has had a rifle club for several years. They started off with air guns and now are also shooting 22 target rifles. They have done well. I did a casual 22 rifle and a shotgun project in 4-H a few years ago. The 4-H got continually tighter on their rules and regulations including not let us get donations of ammo.
Not High School

but my son is a member of a shooting club at college.
At Oberlin, an extremely liberal school.
He called last weekend to say he had bought a 12ga to go rabbit hunting.
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