Israeli Commando Invents Gun That Can Shoot Around Corners !!!

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You could put a mechanical arm on the fore end, and when it wasn't catching and throwing back grenades, it could be programmed to flip off the opposition! Would it really be significantly more complex?
Possible new gun for Israel made in florida


You mean the state that made butterfly ballots famous is responsible for the butterfly rifle?

That, of course, leads to the interesting question, how far around does that hinge let the fore end pivot? Can this wonder of technology point uprange and downrange at the same time?:uhoh:
Maybe I'm way off here, but every example of the around-the-corner system that I see though out history appears to be a tactical patch for a strategic or political problem.

DINGDINGDING! We have a winner!

Don Pardo, tell Roadkill Coyote what he's won...

The same old story, over and over. I mean, lets get some new ideas going here!

How about this:

Create small, expendible robots programmed to scout various types of terrain, gathering video and other data on their surroundings and feeding this back over Wireless channels. Make these bots tiny, mobile and adaptive.

Soldiers deploy bots strategically when/where needed, which feed video and other (ie, thermal) data via WiFi to the soldier or team of soldiers, using a CPU linked to LCD panels and heads-up displays to get the word out.

more realistically, how about a motorized bot on a thin titanium leash back to a box with a screen?. Bot could be programmed to crawl the wall, park and record. Soldier lathers, rinses, and repeats.


maybe i've been reading too much philip k dick science fiction... ;)
Create small, expendible robots programmed to scout various types of terrain, gathering video and other data on their surroundings and feeding this back over Wireless channels. Make these bots tiny, mobile and adaptive.

Soldiers deploy bots strategically when/where needed, which feed video and other (ie, thermal) data via WiFi to the soldier or team of soldiers, using a CPU linked to LCD panels and heads-up displays to get the word out.


Projectile ReconBots
Posted by michael on Saturday March 10, @07:51PM
from the more-robots-than-you-can-shake-a-stick-at dept.

mtDNA writes " Dr. Dobb's TechNetCast has a feature on ReconBots designed by Nikos Papanikolopoulos's lab. The bots are organized into teams. Each team is led by a large, controlling "Ranger" bot (running Linux) and supported by several tin-can-sized, cylindrical "Scout" bots. The Ranger disperses the scouts with a launcher that can shoot them up to seventy feet. After that, the scouts roam around sending back video, sound and other data. The scouts are 40mm cylinders specifically so they can be launched from a 40mm grenade launcher! (emphasis added)The full story, including video of the scouts getting launched, is here." The story is from April 2000 but it doesn't seem that we ran it at the time.
Another video link. (Score:4, Informative)
by mtDNA (stephen@(nospam) on Saturday March 10, @08:09PM EST (#17)
(User #123855 Info)

It looks like Dr. Dobb's is slashdotted already.

There's another movie on Papanikolopoulos's homepage:
I'm working with these things (Score:5, Informative)
by Calcbert ([email protected]) on Saturday March 10, @08:27PM EST (#40)
(User #40347 Info)

I've just recently started helping with this research project at the U of MN, and I must say that the little scout robots are pretty damn sweet.

Some other cool things (that you may have read on the various sites, but I thought I'd say them anyway) and notes about them:

They can jump with the help of a spring 'foot.'

They each carry a black and white camera to send video to the controlling ranger.

There's also a scout that has a camera that pops out of the tube and can pan and tilt. Check the Demos Page for videos showing this and other features.
For testing and demonstration, the scouts can be driven around with a Palm Pilot hooked up to a transmitter.

A PIC chip is used as the processor for the scout.

Need to get a scout through a window? No problem. The ranger can shoot scouts through glass (see the end of the first video from the Demos Page.
Newer than the MP-40's barrel thingy, but:


Someone needs to give that gun some viagra...

Designed for shooting out of tank hatches. Scrapped before it was fielded.
Inspired by those pesky Hungarian Counter-revolutionaries?

Notice that it was developed four years after the Soviets lost some tanks in the Hungarian uprising of 1956. Since the Post-Stalin instability in the Warsaw Pact had subsided (or been crushed), and the Soviets weren't driving their tanks into revolting eastern european cities, the political problem no longer required a goofy curved barrel to alleviate the symptom...
I think that thing could eventually cause complacency and get it's user killed.

Get to used to shooting around corners and being "invincible" and not paying enough attention to just what that corner you're hiding behind is made of. Better hope it's solid concrete.

If I saw that poked around a corner and firing at me, my first instinct would be to start shooting 1-2 feet right into the wall with a serious centerfire rifle caliber.

I also suspect that widespread use by the IDF will just convince the Palestinians to start using more bombs, mortars, and RPG's. The ablity to create mass casualty with a firearm is severely limited. Anyone who studies war and conflict knows that bombs, artillery, and fire are the real killers.
reminds me of that jonny quest episode,,,

where the BG was hiding around the corner but Race could see the guy's reflection on the blade of a nearby bulldozer,,,so he just shot the reflection and the ricochets got the BG

and the day was saved yet again,,,

In potent 9mm caliber...

Hate to be a naysayer but it looks like one of those solutions in search of a problem.
Strange that this should come up again today, there was an article in the Telegraph (English newspaper) about this gun today. Unfortunately I have to register to be able to cite the news story, seems that the SAS have purchased some. If it has persuaded them then it must have some merit I suppose.
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