It could had been a massacre of Germans if

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Feb 4, 2003
they decided to invade Switzerland in WW 2. Of course , the Swiss K 31 rifle would had made it s mark by its accurate sniper fire in all directions.

A joke follows in an article i read. An excerpt,

We were walking in a park on Lake Geneva when we came upon a statue of a military man on horseback.
My Swiss friend told me that the statue was of Henry Guisan, the general of the Swiss Army during the WWII years. Many Swiss, apparently, see him as instrumental in keeping Switzerland independent during the war years.
Hitler called General Guisan and demanded the German army be allowed to pass through Switzerland. General Guisan rejected the demand.
Hitler then said: "I will have 250,000 troops massed at your border for an invasion". Guisan replied: "I will have 250,000 at my command to repel your invasion". The figure went up to 500,000 troops with the same scenario.
Hitler played his ace card and threatened an invasion with one million soldiers. There was a long silence at the other end and Hitler said: "So, you have decided that resistence is futile?"
After some more silence General Guisan finally said: "No. I think we have finally decided where we can bury that many Germans."
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