Its beginning...the rats are jumping from the sinking Kerry ship.

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Dec 24, 2002
Winter Haven, FL
John Kerry Must Go

Note to Democrats: it's not too late to draft someone anyone else

April 27th, 2004 11:45 AM

WASHINGTON, D.C. With the air gushing out of John Kerry's balloon, it may be only a matter of time until political insiders in Washington face the dread reality that the junior senator from Massachusetts doesn't have what it takes to win and has got to go. As arrogant and out of it as the Democratic political establishment is, even these pols know the party's got to have someone to run against George Bush. They can't exactly expect the president to self-destruct into thin air.

With growing issues over his wealth (which makes fellow plutocrat Bush seem a charity case by comparison), the miasma over his medals and ribbons (or ribbons and medals), his uninspiring record in the Senate (yes war, no war), and wishy-washy efforts to mimic Bill Clinton's triangulation gimmickry (the protractor factor), Kerry sinks day by day. The pros all know that the candidate who starts each morning by having to explain himself is a goner.

What to do? Look for the Dem biggies, whoever they are these days, to sit down with the rich and arrogant presumptive nominee and try to persuade him to take a hike. Then they can return to business as usual—resurrecting John Edwards, who is still hanging around, or staging an open convention in Boston, or both.

If things proceed as they are, the dim-bulb Dem leaders are going to be very sorry they screwed Howard Dean.
The village voice ran this? They are one of the most liberal papers in the country, though they are sometimes surprisingly open minded.
Senior Dim-O-Rats are beginning to realize that Kerry's far-left voting record makes him unelectable. Americans aren't interested in Kerry's plans for socialized medicine, US forces under UN command, extremist forms of gun control and confiscation post 9/11, etc.

And it looks like the Dim-O-Rats are also beginning to regret their earlier, unsuccessful smear campaign over Bush's Texas National Guard Service. It has boomeranged right back on Kerry in the form of his ongoing Medal-gate scandal and the character questions it has raised.

Gore lost Tennessee and West-by-God-Virginia over his extremist views on gun control. Senior Dims must realize Kerry's 100% rating from the Brady Campaign can't help win back the White House.
Wishful thinking on the part of the left. Barring his death, incapacitation or withdrawal, Kerry WILL be the nominee; he has the votes. The rats will just have to suck it up, like they did with Dukakis.
I would not be at all surprised if Hillary Clinton tried to swoop in and take the nomination at the last minute.
A pro-defense, pro-individual rights, pro-freedom centrist Democrat could have walked away with this election, which is what drove Edwards supporters nuts everytime Kerry won a primary based on "electability". That Edwards was Southern, and a much better speaker than either Kerry or Bush was especially infuriating.

That Bush has one thing and one thing only going for him; that he's strong on defense - and that he has betrayed some of the foundations of secular conservative thought; i.e. fiscal responsibility, small government - makes it even sadder to contemplate that the opposition party can't kindle enough of a mental/political/social spark to generate a candidate that can attack those weaknesses with something slightly more effective than 'I was a junior officer in a war three decades ago.'
Wishful thinking on the part of the left. Barring his death, incapacitation or withdrawal, Kerry WILL be the nominee; he has the votes. The rats will just have to suck it up, like they did with Dukakis.
And Mondale. And McGovern. They're going to lose big.
Diggler, you crack me up. The flushing smiley :D

Has this ever happenned before? An open convention?

Do you think they could pull another Torch? Substitute at the last minute (Lousenberg) and away we go?

SO, that would make sKerry a stalking horse drawing fire and $ from Bush now, and a new "fresh face" emerging?

I wanted him to tank, just not this quick.
I would not be at all surprised if Hillary Clinton tried to swoop in and take the nomination at the last minute

It would surprise the heck out of me.

Hillary wants no incumbant in her race. Kerry is perfect for the Dems. He is the sacrificial lamb. He loses this year. Being defeated he won't get another chance (Thank God) and Hillary gets the nomination in '08

Gotta disagree.

It's the perfect setup Hillary has been waiting for.

She can't win on a straight-up campaign. Like Kerry, she can't stand up to months of scrutiny and attack. Kerry just flip-flops and stands for nothing; Hillary has real socialist convictions and real skeletons in her closet, and a lot of people know where they are - IF they have time to dig 'em out. Whitewater, Vince Foster, Arkansas shenanagins, Chinese connections, health care fiascos, Bill, and just plain being a genuine socialist means she loses the campaign. Socialists ("liberal" is just the wrong word, ain't nothin' liberal about 'em) don't win on their socialism. Yes, she won New York - but that only on sheer popularity with New York City (and a few urban downtowns)...which indicates she can win on raw excitement.

A Kerry collapse just before the Democratic convention would scare the bejebers out of the base. What to do? Who will save them from the Eeeeevil Shrub? Dischord, discontent, disharmony, harshed mellows all around ... at the moment of highest fearful tension, who is drawn - visibly reluctantly - from the curtains at the stage? The other half of the first black President, co-president of the coolest, sexiest ('scuze me while I retch :barf: ) administration, leader of the world-village, for the children, been-there-kicked(kissed?)-butt two-terms do-it-again, phoenix rising from the ashes, and she bakes cookies - HILLARY! It would be one of the greatest, grandest, fastest ascentions to power ever. The Democratic base would be swooning, and the breathless-with-excitement mob psychology would radiate to and entice anyone prone to voting Democrat. She would energize the party like none other.

That such energy is inherently short-lived would be irrelevant at that point. The whole setup is designed to sweep her, very suddenly, into the spotlight just 3 months before the election. Most news outlets swoon over her, featuring & pushing her into the fickle public's favor. As her opponents race to produce opposition advertising denouncing her and dragging piles of skeletons (some real) out of her closet, they smash against the McCain-Feingold ban on political advertising 2 months before the election - the opposition is silenced. As legal challenges struggle thru the courts, stifled by SCOTUS having already approved suspension of the 1st Amendment, her supporters - the media in general - advertise for her at no cost to her. Swooning support shouted from the rooftops of one side, gagged-and-drugged opposition on the other, the crucial 5% of voters sways left.

Bingo: President Hillary.

Her lifetime goal achieved - gen-ew-wine title of "President of the United States of America" - she feels invinceable. At last, she has the power to implement her doctoral thesis: socialism so extreme that her school refused to let it be published. With the post-election rush of goodwill (on one side) and abject bewilderment (on the other), things get ... interesting.
Actually, if the Village Voice is complaining, it's probably because they've realized that Kerry isn't as far left as they'd like.
:scrutiny: Al Gore with better hair?
:eek: Al Gore may have sold his soul to be VP and then Prez, but he did stand for something way back. In Tennessee. He actually supported gun rights.

JFK has always stood between guns and me.
Hmmm...if we were in the post-Democratic convention period I'd say it's good news, but let's not uncork the champagne just yet because most Democrats see their poll numbers go up after the convention. We'll see in a few months what effect all these revelations, not to mention his flip-flopping, will have on his popularity.
junyo, I'm too tired to debate R vs. D politics. But I will credit you for pointing out correctly the flaw in the Democrat's strategy.

GW has made himself vulnerable, yet the Democrats have offered no serious contender. Is there not a single Southern Democrat governor that the D party could have fielded? How about a Midwest centrist Democrat governor?

If Terry McAuliffe couldn't come up with better than Kerry, Dean, Sharpton, Kucinich, Lieberman, and the other stragglers--what does that tell you?

The war in Iraq, which has divided the country, should have given McAuliffe a grand opportunity.

The economy, which began to falter in March 2000 and continued struggling in the aftermath of 9/11 and the actions in Afghanistan and Iraq, should have given McAuliffe an incredible opportunity.

The failure of the Bush Administration to back up claims of WMD's in Iraq should have given McAuliffe a golden opportunity.

Yet McAuliffe, hand-picked for DNC chairmanship by Clinton, fielded what has to be the weakest group of challengers in the last century.

Not since 1968 has there been an opportunity so ripe for a challenger from the party out of power to sieze the moment. All it requires is a message that resonates with voters, delivered by a messenger who doesn't carry the baggage of having to had voted on 100 different versions of a single bill.

That's where Kerry is getting sandbagged, and why precious few senators or congressmen ever make it to the White House: a member of congress may vote dozens of times on a particular bill, sometimes for or against, as it goes through its reiterations. His opponents can point to his vote on Amendment A (S 2.12) while ignoring his vote for Amendment B (S 2.13).

But John Kerry faces even more a challenge than the above. He talks like Teddy Kennedy, he walks like Teddy Kennedy, and he votes like Teddy Kennedy (or worse). Every word from his mouth sounds like Northeastern Ivy League "uppah clahss." I stand a better chance of picking up Dolly Parton in a jukejoint in Nashville than Kerry does of carrying Tennesee.

This has been a setup from Day One, and Kerry will go down. If the election is close, it will further energize the hanging-chad whiners from 2000 to get out in 2008. If Bush blows Kerry out of the water, it will raise Big Money for Hillary in 2008.

Given the stakes on both sides, it's incomprehensible that the Democrats would field a candidate so vulnerable as Kerry at this time. As history usually shows, there will be explanations as to why, but far after the November elections.

My bet is that Terry McAuliffe and the Clintons want a wide-open field after Hillary has morphed herself into the Elder Stateswoman of the US Senate.
This will keep happening

because the Dems can't talk openly about their core beliefs, knowing that most Americans would spit them out. So they have to go with 'electability' and run a campaign on fabricated issues e.g. Halliburton, and wind up with soggy candidates who won't spill the beans about the party agenda but are still acceptable to the base of unions, NEA, enviro-wackos, abortion fanatics etc.
You know I have been wondering something, how can one man be awarded 4 purple hearts and still be able to move around like a spring chick with no problems. Unless one of them count for a paper cut while photocopying it for "The Records":neener:
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