Iver Johnson and H&R by same manufacturer ?

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I can't answer your question, but those are some nice looking revolvers. I can remember, as a kid, looking at the top-breaks they had at Big5 Sporting Goods and always wanting one. The H&R 999 was my top choice! When combined with a Hunter 1100 snap off holster, it just looked like it was meant to have adventures with.
Big 5 Sporting Goods! The most ghetto Sporting Goods store of all time!! Where I bought my first rifle !!!

A 2003 357 JM Marlin, for $350 everyday price. It now sits naked in a pile of stuff in a garage back in L.A., turning rust color.

That Big 5 store had a million replica pistols for the gangsters, a million Mosins complete with shovel and canteen, and that lever action.

They had to call the manager out to unlock the guns, and I could tell that doing neighborhood weapons distribution was a part of the job that he hated.
I've always had a preference for H&R given that its origins involved a member of the Wesson family and former S&W employees. H&R was making revolvers for over a century and they were a fairly prominent manufacturer of arms during WW2 and continued to be a producer of military rifles up to Vietnam.

In no way am I denigrating Iver Johnsons, I'm sure they were as good as H&R's were, but I see so many more H&R gun than I ever do IJ's and the Handi Rifles and single shot shotguns have been used by hunters and sportsmen for decades. The 999 top break .22 is perhaps the most sought after .22 top break revolver of all time and the company left a mark on history with the advent of the .32 H&R Magnum, which was having a bit of a resurgence lately thanks to the .327 and the re-introduction of the .32 revolver for conceal carry.

H&R was a prolific arms manufacturer in the US, they just never made the same quality product as Colt, S&W, or Ruger ever did and because of that people seemingly view them as junk and they most certainly were not, they just weren't Colt or S&W and were never going to last as long as those guns did.
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