IWB holster for springfield loaded champion

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Feb 11, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
I'm having trouble deciding on a good iwb holster for my springfield. Sizing wise anything made for a commander should work for the champion, seeing as the only difference is the champion has a slightly shorter barrel. The two main concerns for me are obviously comfort, and wear on the gun. I also prefer to carry strong side behind the hip. I'm open to leather, or kydex type material. The only problem I have with kydex is it's typically harder on the finish (personal experience with a blackhawk). I'm familiar with quite a few holster manufacturers I'm just not sure about which specific models would be best. Price also isn't really an issue (within reason) because as with just about everything, ya get what ya pay for. Any info and, or pics of concealment would be appreciated.
Wow, I feel stupid. Sorry yall I didn't realize there was a holster thread in general handgun topics. That's what I get for not looking around 1st.:banghead:
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